Version: 2.0.0, by hambil
Developer Last Online: Apr 2013
Category: Statistics Modifications -
Version: 3.6.5
Released: 03-23-2007
Last Update: 04-10-2007
Installs: 133
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Note: This product is now being supported at
Keywords: Statistics, New members, joins, trends, Forum Home, threads, posts
If you download the latest version go into your usergroups and set the 'can view trends' permission. SAVE the usergroup even if you haven't changed the setting or things may not work. There is an odd permissions bug I haven't figured out yet.
Also note that overwrite will not work. Please uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.
Enhances the "YourBBS" Statistics box on the forum home to show trends of posts, threads and new users vs. the overall history of the board. Also allows you to display more than one "newest member".
Version 2.0.0:
Calculations exposed and modifiable in admincp.
Added ability to delay updates of stats to every x minutes in admincp.
Added a style setting for positive and negative trends.
Added custom hooks for all aspects of vbTrends, and moved code into said hooks.
Changed template to still show total threads when trend is negative and 'positive trends only' is enabled.
Usergroup permission to view trends.
Note: You cannot cause an error by messing up the calculations in the admincp. If the calculation you provide contains errors the stat in question will show as N/A.
This is a major rewrite, so I've set the hack to beta for now.
Version 1.2.6:
Made some minor tweaks for cleaner code
Made change to build datastore call to force serialization
You can just overwrite the product.xml if you are upgrading. Remember vbTrends has an option in the admincp to reset the counters. To see any changes/fixes you'll want to run that, or you'll end up having to wait for a new day before the changes will take affect.
Version 1.2.5:
fixed minor bug in auto-replace that was causing it not to work on some boards
can you alter this, or upload another version that will make this change to the vbadvanced stats template? I would like to use this but I only use the vba stats module (i have a vba column on all pages)
...i don't have this info in my forumhome template...
just let me know if you will do this or not, if not I'll play around with it myself and make it work.
can you alter this, or upload another version that will make this change to the vbadvanced stats template? I would like to use this but I only use the vba stats module (i have a vba column on all pages)
...i don't have this info in my forumhome template...
just let me know if you will do this or not, if not I'll play around with it myself and make it work.
I will add vbAdvanced support to the list, but it may not get done for a while. So it all depends on how long you want to wait
Everytime the code runs it checks the datastore. If nothing is in the datastore, or the day in the datestore doens't match the current day, it re-runs the calculations for monthly averages. All resetting the counters does it delete the datastore entry, thus forcing a re-run of monthly stats.
There seems to be a lot of ongoing concern/criticism of the calculations used and the stats displayed. I've decided the best way to deal with this, since I can never make everyone happy, is to expose them to the end user to tweak.
I will be releasing a version soon that uses a short hand in the admincp settings to set the calculations to anything you want (within reason). The short hand in the admincp settings will be something like: Posts: ($current / $avg) * 100. Any mathematical expression will be allowed.
In addition it will include a few new hooks, for those with real ambition to put in there own php code to get monthly averages, and do the final percentage calculations. The hack will use these hooks itself, to provide an example to modify.
I'll also be adding some options for display formating for those who don't want to modify the template yet want to make some minor style changes.
ETA: Late tonight, early tomorrow (Pacific Standard Time).