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Spell Checker: PungoSpell for vBulletin3 Standard and WYSIWYG modes
Version: 1.6, by tamarian tamarian is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.7 Rating:
Released: 06-01-2004 Last Update: 12-25-2005 Installs: 68
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PungoSpell for vBulletin3 WYSIWYG and Standard mode

Intro: PungoSpell supports WYSIWYG mode disply using DHTML on the spell check popup window. It uses PHP's buitin PSPELL module. Many have this already compiled in, but if not, it's easy to add.

What this hack does This hack modifies the PungoSpell software package from PungoSpell to allow spell checking on vBulletin for both modes, WYSIWYG and standard mode.

Change Log:

v1.6 December 25, 2005: Security fix for cases where you allow HTML posts and they contain malicious code (Credit goes to Brendan Donahue for finding the issue and alerting TechGuy, and to TechGuy for alerting me to it)

v1.5. Minor bug fixes

1. Fixed scrolling, so the spelling window will scroll to the next mis-spelled word.
2. Changed config defaults to allow the most common configuration. The "Learn" function is turned of by default. Make sure you test it before tunrning it on.
3. Re-worded comments on config options, hopefully they will now make sense.

1. Created a new config file (pungo-spell-config.php) to avoid the need to edit checkspelling.php, which is a bit tricky with end of line characters.
2. Added an option to disable the learn feature. This may be needed if your aspell setup does not allow, or not properly setup, for personal wordlists.
3. The language is now defined in the config file as well.

1. Added a "Learn" button. This allows users to add words into the dictionary.
2. Restricted access to members only, with allowed usergroups definable in config file
3. Restrict user groups allowed to use the "Learn" feature. Configurable option.
3. Options to ignore quote blocks, code bloacks, and PHP blocks
4. Added buttons (Thesarus and Lookup) with links to Merriam Webster's online thesarus and dictionary links with the suggestion for misspelled words.
5. Added Quit and Done buttons. One to quite without saving, and one to save without going through the whole post for suggestions.
6. Fixed extra lines added for WYSIWYG paragraphs
7. Made it skip vBCode tags, so it won't spell check URL's

Initial version, . Identical to PungoSpell functionality, but adapted to handle vBulletins's WYSIWYG and standard mode.

There's another hack for spell checker for vBulletin3 using PHPSpell. You might want to compare both to decide which one you like best.

PHPSpell has a "learn" button, to allow adding new words to the dictionary, PungoSpell does not. PungoSpell has a better WYSIWYG display, while PHPSpell does not hide HTML and vBCode tags. So each one has it's advantages and disadvantages.

In a future release, I'll try to add a "learn" functionality to PungoSpell. (done)

Credit PungoSpell Is a free software using the MIT license. By default, it will work fine in standard mode. This hack will allow it to work for both standard and WYSIWYG.

Requirements: You will need to have PSPELL compiled into your PHP setup. Many have this by default. To find out if you already have it, check your PHP info from the vBulletin Admin Panel: Import & Maintenance > View PHP Info. Search for "pspell". If it's there, you're fine. If not, you can recompile PHP with the "--with-pspell" paramater.

From the readme file:

What does it require?

PHP 4.3.1 (http://www.php.net) or greater with Pspell support enabled.
If your system doesn't have pspell/aspell installed, see the pspell source page at
http://pspell.sourceforge.net to download it.

What browsers does it work with?

Only "modern" browsers that support DOM level 2 (http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/) are supported. MSIE 5.5+, Opera 7.2+, NS 6+ should work fine for you. Your milage may vary.
Demo: http://frigate.clemson.edu/local/pun...l/example.html

Bugs: Scrolling down to the misspelled word is not yet working.


1. Download the attached file, and unpack into your main forum directory. Make sure the file "custom.pws" is writable by apache, otherwise the "Learn" function will not work.

2. It has English setup by default. If you want it to use any other language, it's easy. Just edit the config file "pungo-spell-config.php".

Change this line:

$my_lang = "en";

"en" stands for English. Change it to the code of the language you want. Like "fr" for French, for example. Make sure your system has the required dictionary. You see the dictionary config by typing "aspell config" at the command line, to see which dictionaries you have.

Also, in the file custom.pws, the first line reads something like:

personal_ws-1.1 en 0

You will need to change en to the language you use, like fr

3. Edit the config section in checkspelling.php to suit your needs:
// Config section
$my_lang = "en"; // set the language you want, make sure you have the correct aspell dictionary on your system

// Access restriction options
$allow_guests = 0; // Change to 1 if you allow guests to post and use the spell checker
$restrict_groups = 0; // Change to 1 to enable access restriction by group id
$allowd_groups = array (2, 5, 6); // usergroups who can access the spell checker

// Learn function options
$customwordlist = "custom.pws"; // make sure this file is readable by your apache user
$learn_enabled = 0; // set to 1 to enable the learn feature. Make sure you test first, to ensure your server setup allows this.
$restrict_learn_function = 0; // set to 1 if you want to restrict which usergroup id may add words to your dictionary.
$word_list_maintainers = array (2, 5, 6); // usergroups that are allowed to use the "Learn" feature

// Ignore options
$ignore_quotes = 1; // 1 means ignore the [QUOTE] block, 0 means spell check within quotes
$ignore_code = 1; // Same but for the
 $ignore_php = 1; 				// Same, but for the [PHP] tag 
 // end config section
4. Edit each template where you'd like to have the spell checker. For example:

newreply template

A. Find

Add above

<script src="spellcheck.js"></script>

Add somewhere the followin (below $navbar for example)g:
   <form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow"
                <input type="hidden" name="spell_formname" value="">
                <input type="hidden" name="spell_fieldname" value="">
                <input type="hidden" name="spellstring" value="">
C. Find the submit and preview buttons:

		<input type="submit" class="button" name="sbutton" value="$vbphrase[submit_reply]" accesskey="s" tabindex="1" />
 		<input type="submit" class="button" name="preview" value="$vbphrase[preview_post]" accesskey="p" tabindex="1" />
Add below:
           <if condition="DOTOOLBAR!=2">
           <input type="hidden" name="toolbar" value="1" />
           <input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck( 'vbform',  'message', '1');">
           <else />
           <input type="hidden" name="toolbar" value="2" />
           <input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck( 'vbform',  'WYSIWYG_HTML', '2');">
And repeat the same steps for other templates like newthread etc.

Optional: Other Templates that contain edit boxes are:
USERCP_SHELL just add the first change (A) here in above the </head section. Required for pm_newpm and modifysignature.
Calendar Templates: calendar_edit
New Posting Templates: newreply, newthread
Modify User Options Templates: modifysignature (add the the first change (A) in USERCP_SHELL) and the rest (B and C) here.

Quick reply

. Show Thread Templates: Put change (A) in showthread, and the rest (B and C) in showthread_quickreply

Contributed by Boofo:


<if condition="DOTOOLBAR!=2">


<if condition="$WYSIWYG!=2">

I may have missed a few templates, so let me know.

Private Messages

To install in Private Messaging, check Chris's post here:


Trouble shooting:

1. If you get a spell check window that says "This is a test". This is most likely due to end of line characters caused by an editor. To resolve this, re-upload the original files with FTP in binary mode. When editing the config file, make sure you use an editor that does not add any end of line characters, such as "vi" or others.

Learn doesn't work: Try this: Change the first line from custom.pws:

personal_ws-1.1 en 0


personal_ws-1.1 english 0

en worked fine for me on Fedora and Gentoo, but I had to change to english on RHE.



P.S. The two screenshots below show the spell check popup menu. One for standard mode, and one for WYSIWYG mode.

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Old 06-23-2004, 07:05 AM
rsuplido rsuplido is offline
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It seems like it happens when there is a carriage return on your message.

Any fix to this?
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Old 06-23-2004, 08:36 AM
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I ran into an interesting problem with the config file for this hack. the following doesn't work for me unless I chnage it to 0.

[QUOTE]$ignore_quotes = 1; // 0 means ignore the
code, 1 means spell check within quotes
If I leave it as is, it doesn't check between the quote tags. If I change it to 0, it checks between the tags just fine.
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Old 06-23-2004, 02:47 PM
scottct1 scottct1 is offline
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I am having a problem with this with multi line posts.

If I type a short message (ie this is a test) it works fine.

However if I type in a longer message I get an error.

A box pops up
Error Line 59 - Unterminated String Constant

If I clear that error another box pops up ERROR Line 298 - 'MISPS' is undefined.

This happens to ALL my editors

Any ideas?
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Old 06-23-2004, 05:29 PM
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Ok I figured out something but I have not fixed it yet.

It appears my problem is with iframedoc.html

If I check spelling on a 1 line message it works fine.

However if the message is long or is formatted at all I get the above (last message) error message.

What leads me to believe it is something with iframedoc.html is that when I get the error the text "this is a test" appears in the spell check box.

"this is a test" is also in iframedoc.html

Also if I just open iframedoc.html in my browser I get the same two error messages.

So what am I doing wrong?
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Old 06-25-2004, 05:53 PM
tamarian tamarian is offline
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Originally Posted by scottct1
Ok I figured out something but I have not fixed it yet.

It appears my problem is with iframedoc.html

If I check spelling on a 1 line message it works fine.

However if the message is long or is formatted at all I get the above (last message) error message.

What leads me to believe it is something with iframedoc.html is that when I get the error the text "this is a test" appears in the spell check box.

"this is a test" is also in iframedoc.html

Also if I just open iframedoc.html in my browser I get the same two error messages.

So what am I doing wrong?
This sounds like an end of line error. Try re-uploading the files again with ftp in binary mode, and see if this still keeps happening.
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Old 06-25-2004, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tamarian
This sounds like an end of line error. Try re-uploading the files again with ftp in binary mode, and see if this still keeps happening.
tamarian, any fix for the learn feature yet?
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Old 06-25-2004, 06:27 PM
tamarian tamarian is offline
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Originally Posted by Boofo
tamarian, any fix for the learn feature yet?
I'm not sure yet that it can be fixed through the script, and it's more likely a server setup issue with aspell config.
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Old 06-25-2004, 06:29 PM
tamarian tamarian is offline
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Originally Posted by vprp
I compiled pspell and have the spell check working on my site now. Thanks! The problem is I noticed that on long posts, it will show "this is a test." If it's a relatively short message, the spell check works fine. Does anyone know what may be causing this problem?
I'd suggest re-uploading the original files, with FTP in binary mode. Test first as admin, without editing the config files. Most of the problems I had turned out to be due to the editor useds.
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Old 06-25-2004, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by tamarian
I'm not sure yet that it can be fixed through the script, and it's more likely a server setup issue with aspell config.
What do I need to do with the aspell config? How do I make sure apache can write to the pws file? I chmodded it. Is that all we do for that part of it?

has anyone gotten this to work with the quick reply yet? I get the button and the window pops up, but there is no text in it.
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Old 06-25-2004, 06:51 PM
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I got the learn function working finally. I looked through the thread here and when I changed this:

personal_ws-1.1 eng 0
to this:

personal_ws-1.1 english 0
It started working. Thank you!

Now if I can just get the quick reply box working with this I will be all set.

Any one have that working yet?
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