Version: 1.00, by Erwin
Developer Last Online: May 2013
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 04-02-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 56
No support by the author.
vB Hangman for vB3
Original version for vBulletin 2.x.x by Erwin (Dr. Erwin Loh)
vBulletin 3.x.x version ported by EvilLS1
Please do not distribute without the permission of the authors.
1) Allow/ Disallow guest access to Hangman in Admin CP
2) Set number of attempts in Admin CP
3) Add words in Admin CP
4) Use words of any length
5) Use as many words as you want
7) Ability to use NUMBERS and CHARACTERS like ! or ?
8) Totally integrated into your forums, with your forum colors and layout
9) Easy installation file that you run to automatically add database settings
10) vB3 version ported by EvilLS1
11) Who's Online fix added by Zelda-King
1) Upload hangman_installer.php to your admincp directory & run the installer.
2) Upload hangman.php to your forum directory.
3) Make a hangman subdirectory in your images directory. Upload the image files to the images/hangman subdirectory.
4) In your admincp under "Languages & Phrases" click "Phrase Manager",
then click "Add new Phrase".
5) Create a new template named "hangman".
6) Login to your admincp. Under the Options section click vBulletin Options and select vB Hangman from the list. Here you can set whether you want guests to have access to Hangman, how many attempts to allow (default is 6, any higher and you will need to add your own custom hangman images), and then add your words or phrases separated by a comma.For example...
hello,yahoo!,3 blind mice,12 apostles,vbulletin,good morning,good afternoon,this is cool
7) Go to and play.
Many thanks to EvilLS1 for porting this hack to vB3. Thank you to all the hackers who are helping to build this community up, and who respect other hackers. You are all the reason why we help each other.
Text files of formatted Word Lists for vB Hangman
Attachment: games_list_1.txt (for games oriented sites)
This file courtesy of Ninth Dimension.
Attachment: movielist.txt (for movies)
This file courtesy of Fi_InCogNiTo.
Attachment: artists.txt (for artists and bands)
This file courtesy of trafix.
I made the changes to the hangman.php file for the Store Hack integration part but it's not working. It's not adding or taking away any points whatsoever.
Was I supposed to do something aside from just the hangman.php edits???
I am using vBookie on my site, and instead of using the 'uttstorepoints' field in the 'user' table, I am using 'money'. If your using something other than 'uttstorepoints', make sure you edit the 2 lines that contain 'uttstorepoints' to whatever you are using.
If you know what I mean! :ermm:
I am using vBookie on my site, and instead of using the 'uttstorepoints' field in the 'user' table, I am using 'money'. If your using something other than 'uttstorepoints', make sure you edit the 2 lines that contain 'uttstorepoints' to whatever you are using.
If you know what I mean! :ermm:
Ooppss..sorry I didn't see this until now! Nope, I'm using "uttstorepoints" and nothing else.
I made the changes to the hangman.php file for the Store Hack integration part but it's not working. It's not adding or taking away any points (uttstorepoints) whatsoever.
Was I supposed to do something aside from just the hangman.php edits???
Thank you!
Can anyone please help me? I still have this problem!