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vB Timeslip Database -for Automotive websites
Version: 1.00, by EvilLS1 EvilLS1 is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2021 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 10-20-2003 Last Update: 11-12-2003 Installs: 28
No support by the author.

I doubt this will be used by many people since its designed specifically for automotive websites.. But it has been requested here several times, so here ya go.

What does it do? This hack does a few things. First, it will add a separate Vehicle Profile page to your forum where your users can enter their type of vehicle, horsepower, best 60' time, 1/8 mile time, 1/4 mile time, a link to their timeslip and more. Once the data is entered the timeslips.php page will display the info sorted by the best times, highest trap speeds, highest horsepower #s, proof of ET, or ET brackets (user selectable).

You can also ban users from editing their Vehicle Profile. This comes in handy if you have some users who insist on entering false data into the Timeslip Database just to be funny. To use this feature, just click on the user's profile, then click "user options" and set "Can edit vehicle profile" to no. The user will still be able to edit his regular profile, but not his vehicle profile.

Demo: http://modernmusclecars.net/forums/timeslips.php

(Note: I just added this to my board a couple of days ago so there's only a few entries right now.. It does have pagination and will display 25 per page by default once more ETs are entered.)

Screenshot1: Vehcile Profile page
Screenshot2: Edit Vehcile Profile page

Features include:
*The ability to sort by:
-1/4 Mile ET
-1/4 Mile MPH
-1/8 Mile ET
-1/8 Mile MPH
-60' Time
-Cars with proof of ET (actual timeslip)
-ET brackets (New!)
*Show the average ET, MPH, and HP for your site. (New!)
*Vehcile Profile (separate from user profile) (New!)
*Ability to ban users from editing their vehicle profile (New!)

Installation is easy:
1. Upload TDinstaller.php to your admin directory & run the installer.
2. Follow the hack instructions to edit the 4 php files.
3. Edit two templates.
4. Add five new templates.
5. Upload timeslips.php to your forum directory and slipicon.gif to your image directory.

This has been tested on 2.2.8 - 2.3.2 and should work fine with any 2.X.X version.

Note: I don't use vb 2.X anymore so this hack is no longer supported

Download vB Timeslip Database v1.3

(Version 2.0 is availible for VB3 users here.)

*Add-on: Display the Top Five 1/4 mile ETs on your front page portal
*Add-on: Require a link to the actual timeslip for all ETs that are 11.99 or quicker.
*Add-on: A "timeslips" button for your header (PSD and GIF). -by Optima
*Add-on: Show the ET club that users belong to in the postbit.
*How to: Add a "select" field & sort by it in the timeslip database.
*How to: Change the default sort method

Updated 10-29-03 to add new features: - Added the ability to sort by ET brackets. (ie. show 10 second cars only. 11 second cars only, 13 sec cars, etc). Requested by BrendonM
Check the demo page to see it in action.

Updated 10-31-03 (new feature): -Added a new action that will show the average ET, trap speed, and horsepower for your site.
Go to the demo page and select "Site Averages" from the drop down menu to see what I mean.

Updated 11-10-03: -Added the vehicle profile addon to the hack instructions. Added a few new fields to the vehicle profile page (race weight, track, D/A, mods, tranny type, etc). Added a "details" column to the Timeslip Database page which lets you view all vehicle profile fields when the details link is clicked (see demo).

Instructions for upgrading all previous versions to v1.3.

If you find this script useful please click install.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-11-2003, 01:49 AM
alkatraz alkatraz is offline
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Evil: I *really* want to add these new updates to my script, but I'm afraid of messing things up as the script has changed significantly since I first installed it..

Any suggestions??? Do you still have archived versions of the earlier released hack that I can use to compare with the new one?

Evil, you going to keep ripping off other peoples concepts amd not even give them props?
While I agree that ripping ideas without credit is a big no-no, from the sounds of it Evil is just using other peoples ideas as inspiration for his own work. It's not like he's taking someone elses code and re-labeling it.
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Old 11-11-2003, 02:08 AM
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Which upgrades are you wanting? I have a copy of version 1.2 which includes the ET brackets sorting methods. The vehicle profile and ban user from VP addons are also posted a few pages back.

I will make an upgrade script for 1.3 in the next few days (when I get time) but if you really want to upgrade now you would have to completely uninstall the hack, then re-install it.

I'll attach v1.2 incase you want it. Just replace your timeslips.php file with the new one and replace your templates with the new ones.

Originally Posted by alkatraz
While I agree that ripping ideas without credit is a big no-no, from the sounds of it Evil is just using other peoples ideas as inspiration for his own work. It's not like he's taking someone elses code and re-labeling it.
Exactly. This script was coded by me alone. As for the ideas for new features, like I said, they've already been done by many others in the past (in non-vB scripts). None of them are new concepts. Its kinda like forum software.. There's several different (yet original) scripts availible that include many of the same features. Its not a rip-off as long as the code is original. Honestly, If I knew who made the first timeslip script I'd be more than happy to give him credit for the idea. But there's so many different versions availible which have been around for years, so I have no idea who made the first one. Hell, this isn't even the first one that I've made.

Anyway, older version attached:
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Old 11-11-2003, 02:16 AM
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No actually you should give props to the people that your currently copying, which you know you are.

With 431 post you have, you should know by know that on VB.org we give credit where its do.

Those new mods you just started adding with equipment based ideas, strange, 3 days after you inspected someone elses site I imagine?

Odd, very odd...

And as for lame, dont get me started. Play by the rules on this site EvilLS1, and dont play it off as unrealized potential.

You can say whatever you want, I just think you should give props to those sites, that I know your currently building after.

I mean, some of us are dumb, but not that dumb.

Those links you posted are great, truly I am sure they are.

But suddenly your adding equipments mods and other things just like, hmmm... HorsePowered.com

My beef with what your doing is this. Your script stayed on a set path of featuresets until just a few days ago, after all this time, until a link was posted to another script, and then suddenly wella, here come the matching featuresets.

Call it what you want guy, but it sure looks odd.

And before anyone jumps in and screams about ranting and raving, remember, we do give props on this site to others for their intellectual concepts etc.

EvilLS1 I am truly interested in seeing where you are taking this script, and am very much awaiting to see your original concepts you will be adding.

Don't disappoint us.
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Old 11-11-2003, 02:43 AM
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Did you even take a look at the links I posted? ALL of the ideas used on the site you mentioned have been done before on OTHER sites that I've been visiting for YEARS.

But suddenly your adding equipments mods and other things just like, hmmm... HorsePowered.com
..and just like, hmmm... LS1Tech.com, LS1.com, and a sh*tload of others. Its been done a million times! Get over it!

If you are referring to the new fields which I added in 1.3 (race weight, track, D/A, mods, tranny type, etc), those are common things that nearly ALL drag racers want to know about when discussing 1/4 mile times. Again, take a look at LS1Tech.com or LS1.com and you'll see the same thing there. Now I've been visiting those sites way before I even became a member of vb.org, so how can you possibly think that I got the idea from the sites you mentioned? There are MANY sites who incude those fields in their timeslip details.

FYI I had plans to release many updates when I posted the first version here. I just wanted to make the base (bare bones) version availible first to see what others thought of it. Incase you haven't noticed, I've been releasing updates every few days since I posted this hack. None of these 'concepts' are new to me. They have been around as long as the first Timeslip script itself. I'm sorry but you are WRONG about this whole thing.

Like I said in my post above: If I knew who made the first timeslip script I'd be more than happy to give him credit for the ideas. But there's so many different versions availible which have been around for years, so I have no idea who made the first one.

With 431 post you have, you should know by know that on VB.org we give credit where its do.
Well with all 34 posts that you have, you should know to stay out of things which you obviously know nothing about.

My beef with what your doing is this. Your script stayed on a set path of featuresets until just a few days ago, after all this time, until a link was posted to another script, and then suddenly wella, here come the matching featuresets.
You honestly have no clue, do you? VISIT THE LINKS I POSTED! These ideas have been in use for YEARS on many other sites that I visit. I've seen them all before!

And before anyone jumps in and screams about ranting and raving, remember, we do give props on this site to others for their intellectual concepts etc.
Using your logic, I guess all of those people should also give ME credit for making the first forum integrated Timeslip Database more than 2 years ago (phpBB)? Since I had the idea first right? Nope. Thats lame. Unless they're using my code they do not owe me any credits.

BTW, I noticed that your site ( http://www.integritymessenger.com/ ) doesn't give any credit to AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, or any of the other original instant messengers.. Aren't you being slightly hypocritical here? After all, the instant messenger was NOT your idea, and yours does seem to have ALOT of the features from the other messengers!

See how stupid that sounds?

EvilLS1 I am truly interested in seeing where you taking this script, and am very much awaiting to see your original concepts you will be adding.
Its people like you who make me not even want to waste my time writing instructions to share my hacks. Infact, I think I'm done with this one. :angry:
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Old 11-11-2003, 05:37 AM
alkatraz alkatraz is offline
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Infact, I think I'm done with this one.
please noooo!!! =) don't let politics stop you.

if this is against the rules rishel then report it to a moderator and they can decide. personaly I see nothing wrong with it. I've been to thousands of automotive sites and these types of features are seen everywhere. however this is the first time i've seen something like it for vbb so i'm happy to see someone has been kind enough to share their work. he runs an automotive site and probably just made it cuz he couldn't find anything like it out there. I *wish* I had the programming knowledge to put something like this together myself.

thank you again EvilLS1
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Old 11-11-2003, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by EvilLS1
Infact, I think I'm done with this one. :angry:
Good riddens. Nows the part where you want people to beg you to keep making it, and then try to get them upset with me.

And as far as my 34 posts, I know more about whats in the automotive industry than you think, and I know a fork-er when I see one.

I give credit where credit is due.

And if you pull the date of creation line on me again, I will embarrass you and show you a time slip concept from a board that FAR supercedes your 2 year claim.
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Old 11-11-2003, 01:30 PM
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Good riddens. Nows the part where you want people to beg you to keep making it, and then try to get them upset with me.
No, nows the part where you ruin a perfectly good thread/hack with your ignorance.

And as far as my 34 posts, I know more about whats in the automotive industry than you think,
You may know something about the automotive industry, however that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. What you DON'T know anything about is timeslip database scripts and drag racing in general.

I give credit where credit is due.
Really? Then where is credit given on your site for ideas borrowed from the original instant messenger? Thats what I thought.

You're asking me to give credit to someone who did not influence my hack and did not come up with those concepts in the first place. How stupid is that!? But if it makes you feel better, then fine.. Special thanks to whoever it was that came up with the first timeslip script. And thanks to all those dozens of sites that (just like me) have re-invented and improved upon the concepts used within the first one.

And if you pull the date of creation line on me again, I will embarrass you and show you a time slip concept from a board that FAR supercedes your 2 year claim.
Show me. The only one who should be "embarrassed" here is you. Idiot.
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Old 11-11-2003, 05:28 PM
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He thinks I am with the instant messenger site?

LOL, ummm, ok. Sounds good!
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Old 11-11-2003, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by rishel
He thinks I am with the instant messenger site?

LOL, ummm, ok. Sounds good!
Well gee, I wonder what gave me that idea.. Could it possibly be the fact that you have it listed as your occupation and homepage in your pofile? (duh!)

BTW, I just took a look at the horsepower.com site (for the first time). Its not even a Timeslip Database script. It more of a mini-homepage for car enthusiasts. Completely different than what I released here. If you can't see that, then you're blind.

Even with all of the proof that I've shown you about your so called "concepts" not being original, I'm sure you'll never admit you were wrong. Crow doesn't taste so good eh?
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Old 11-11-2003, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by rishel
With 431 post you have, you should know by know that on VB.org we give credit where its do.
I've got this thread reported by a vb.org member and I want to understand what the problem is. If conflict is not yet solved, I appreciate if someone can take sometime and recap what's going on as I am not familiar with the automative scripts.

In the meantime, here are some points depending on what I understood until now: (and plz forgive if I understood wrongly)

1- If someone "converts" a code of another to release here, he should get permission of the author. Eg. if you want to include phpmyadmin into vbulletin to release here(what a job that would be lol), you have to get phpmyadmin's author's permission.

2- If you code your own script that does something another program is doing, and you coded it from the ground, you don't have to get anybody's permission to do that. Eg. if you code a vb hack from the ground that does what phpmyadmin is exactly doing, you don't need a permission, because you coded it from the ground. If it were otherwise, vbulletin itself would never be coded since there were other bb scripts around that use the same "concept".

3- Exception of Rule 2: If you recode a "small" vb hack to release here, we want it relased in the original hack thread as recodings of small hacks are usually no different than the original hack due to the volume of the code.

Hope these general principals shed a light to the problem you are discussing.

And a kind request for rishel:
If you believe this hack is breaking any vb.org rule, please report it to moderation team, instead of flaming the thread so that we can moderate accordingly. Because if it is not breaking any rules, then your comments might be discouraging hack author unnecessarily and cluttering the thread with wrong assumptions and we wouldn't want that. On the other hand, if it is breaking a rule, our moderation will solve the problems so there won't be any ground for such comments in the thread. Thank you for understanding..
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