Version: 1.00, by Nebula
Developer Last Online: Dec 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-06-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 257
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Heya everyone. This is a beta release of my importer that converts phpBB2 (RC4 or greater) into vBulletin. It should convert into vBulletin 2.2.0 or greater.
To install the script:[list=1][*]Download bbimport_phpbb2.php from this post (You can only download it if you have entered your username in the vBulletin Members Area, DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ASKING ME TO SEND IT TO YOU!!)[*]Open your FTP program of choice, and upload it to the /importers directory in your vBulletin folder (You may need to create this folder if you have never run an importer before)[*]Log into your vBulletin Control Panel[*]On the left navigation pane, find the 'Import & Maintenance' section, and click on 'BB Import Systems'[*]In the page that loads, select 'phpBB2 RC4+', and click 'Begin Import'[*]Follow the instructions from there[/list=1]
Post your results here! Let me know anything that goes wrong, or your success story
Current Version:
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As you can see when I try to perform the import It can not connect to my phpBB database because it uses a different username/pass then what is listed in vbulletin's config.php
I have tried this 3 times now, I keep recieving this error!
PostID 2418 DONE (1 OF 15) PostID 2420 DONE (2 OF 15) PostID 2424 DONE (3 OF 15) PostID 2454 DONE (4 OF 15) PostID 2455 DONE (5 OF 15) PostID 2456 DONE (6 OF 15) PostID 2459 DONE (7 OF 15) PostID 2461 DONE (8 OF 15) PostID 2462 DONE (9 OF 15) PostID 2464 DONE (10 OF 15) PostID 2465 DONE (11 OF 15) PostID 2476 DONE (12 OF 15) PostID 2527 DONE (13 OF 15) PostID 2533
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/webhost/xxx/ on line 167
Here is what I suggest. First make a backup of your phpBB database. Then find the topic that it is hanging on and delete it. On my main site which I am getting ready to convert, I have had to delete at least 4 topics now to get it working. Once I make sure everything is ok, I will then wipe out my vb database and start from scratch. When I tested this on another one of my test boards, I had 2 topics that needed removed before the script would run. But after getting rid of those 2 topics, it worked fine.
Version 0.9.5 is out. This version fixes the problem with avatars not importing. They now import without a problem, though if you choose to import avatars, it may take extra time during the process, since vBulletin has to grab every image file, which can take some time
I also updated the BBCode routine to support the 'reply with quote' tag. Basicially, it now converts [ quote=Nebula] into [ quote]Topic originally posted by Nebula.
Also, I submitted this version to JelSoft, and they are considering merging this with their official one. We'll see how it goes
Great to hear about the avatars. I am getting ready to convert my production board over this weekend so I will be doing another test run on it probably tomarrow. I will post links to the threads which cause any hangups so you can check them out.
Thanks again for all your work
p.s. Has anyone figured out how to transfer user groups over yet?