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Old 01-23-2009, 06:03 PM
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Does anybody can tell me what's the difference between Bush & Obama in the killing by missiles strikes? Obama's is softer?

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Seventeen people were killed Friday evening in two U.S. missile strikes in Pakistan's tribal region, said one government and two military officials.

They are the first such strikes since President Obama took office Tuesday.

Both hits were near the Afghan border, said local political official Nasim Dawar. The Pakistani military sources asked not to be named because they are not authorized to release such information.

The first strike, which killed 10 people, occurred about 5:15 p.m. (7:15 a.m. ET) in a village near Mir Ali in North Waziristan, the officials said. Seven people died in the second hit at 7:30 p.m. (9:30 a.m. ET) near Wana, the major town in South Waziristan, 17 miles (27 kilometers) from Afghanistan, they said.

There has been no immediate response from U.S. officials.
I can't see the difference

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, interviewed on CNN's "The Situation Room," repeated that public opinion in his country is strongly against the strikes on Pakistan territory.

Musharraf was asked whether he is comfortable with the continuation of the attacks, even with a new U.S. president in place.

"As far as this issue of the new president, President Obama, having taken over and this continuing ... I've always been saying that policies don't change with personalities.

"Policies have national interests, and policies depend on an environment."

The former leader added that he believes the environment and national interests of the United States" are the same.
See are we hearing the same world? ppl acting as fanatics for Obama and ppl so cynic that trash all the good from Obama? is not the same world from ever?
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Old 01-23-2009, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by The Geek View Post
But smack... we are talking about internationally recognised human rights. Illegally and indefinitely incarcerating people without due process is a violation of basic human rights regardless of how much hot air is used to justify the fact. I respect you guys have your own views, just disappointed that you believe human rights are only afforded to humans that you don't harbour suspicion about.
I respect your opinion and appreciate the chance to discuss these things without it becoming personal It is indeed a tough situation and I'm glad I'm not the one having to make the decisions. Bush made his and I suppose history will be the judge...same goes for Obama. I just hope that a wrong decision either way doesn't cost innocent lives.

Originally Posted by The Geek View Post
Leadership takes balls and courage. This could come back to bite Obama in the ass, however at least he has the spine to put his money where his mouth is and enact change. That is what he was elected to do and right or wrong, he is doing it. In this day and age, I take my hat off (if I was wearing one) to any politician that does that.

Hope is much harder to inspire than hate and fear. We've had 8 years of the later, I'm game to try something new.
I'm tired of the past eight years too and I'm willing to give Obama a chance to screw up royally as well (as long as it doesn't get me killed in the process)
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:56 PM
GSeybold GSeybold is offline
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Wow we are so divided and argumentative.. I guess the terrorists have one to some extent with this division?

I sure wish I could shake this uneasy, unsafe feeling since President Obama took office. I like change but this has me very worried. Please don't +++++ at me about this, but it's sort of like a mother's six sense that she absolutely knows something is wrong with her child. You know that deep seeded intuition only a parent can have out of pure love? That is the feeling I've had since he took office. Scared by his inexperience. Crazy eh? The only one with any REAL international experience is Biden. So look at Obama's help. OMG! Biden, Clinton, and Pelosi. Friggen scary. I'm sorry... this may sound super ignorant but in these times, I would prefer a gun carring NRA member in office than a let's- hold-hands-and sing Cubaya pacifist and his Let's-be-friends team. I'm sorry but treating extremism with a bouquet of flowers has never worked in all this years. A very fervent extremist group wants us wiped off this planet and we elect someone we virtually no experience, because Hollywood told us to, because we need change? What they hell was America thinking? I don't care which political party is president , I care about experience and the ability to fight if necessary.

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Old 01-27-2009, 09:40 PM
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As President Obama pushes for the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, the debate over where to house the terror detainees being held there is heating up.
An exclusive video of a former Gitmo detainee's martyrdom tape, obtained by FOX News, is a reminder of the concerns that terror suspects ? who have been held but released from Guantanamo Bay ? are increasingly returning to the fight against the United States and its allies.
Abdallah Ali al-Ajmi was transferred back to his home country of Kuwait after his release from Guantanamo in 2005. Last April he blew himself up in a homicide attack that killed 12 people in Mosul, Iraq.
Al-Ajmi, known in Guantanamo as Detainee 220, made his martyrdom tape before the attack.
"In the name of Allah, most compassionate, most merciful and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet," al-Ajmi says in the video. "I thank Allah, Lord of the Worlds, who freed me from Guantanamo prison and, after we were tortured, connected me with the Islamic State of Iraq [ISI]. And it is the gift of Allah to follow the path of this nation, the ISI."
In the video, translated by the NEFA Foundation, a non-profit that tracks terror groups, al-Ajmi mentions Guantanamo Bay right away. For many jihadists, having served time at Guantanamo is seen as a badge of honor.
Al-Ajmi's attack is one of the most well known and well documented cases of an ex-Gitmo detainee returning to the battlefield as a homicide bomber. His video renews concerns of many in the intelligence community of the potential consequences by releasing these prisoners.
Sixty-two detainees released from the U.S. Navy base prison in Cuba are believed to have rejoined the fight, said Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell, citing data from December. That's up from 37 as of March 2008, Morrell said.
The new figures come as President-elect Barack Obama issued an executive order last week to close the controversial prison. It's unlikely, however, that the Guantanamo detention facility will be closed anytime soon as Obama weighs what to do with the estimated 250 Al Qaeda, Taliban or other foreign fighter suspects still there.
FOX News' Catherine Herridge and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Yep, let 'em all go, since they're not a threat
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:07 PM
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This is what happens when I get busy. I have three pages of comments to catch up on. So let me try and keep it concise.

Originally Posted by smacklan View Post
pfft...I work for my local county government and spend lots of time in our jails here...that is no worse than the Juvenile Detention facility we have although a little older looking. Prison is not meant to be a luxury hotel and they do not house your average "misunderstood" citizens.
Um, isn't that my point? You said that they live in luxury compared to most of us. I posted the pictures to show it was, in fact, a prison and not a hotel. I'm not sure how you got my point turned around there.

Ask and you shall receive:

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,481849,00.html
Okay, this has been going on all week, and I find the point amusing. The argument is that Obama should not close the Bay because this guy is an example of what can happen if you do. But this guy was released under the Bush standards of justice for Guantanamo Bay. I underline that, because it makes no sense what's being argued with this guy. He was released because the system we have classified any evidence against him, his interrogation used illegal tactics and the Bush administration deemed him free to go during the heart of his administration. Gitmo needs to be closed because of the flawed system that set him free. It doesn't work, and he's evidence of that. We need a better functioning one that actually yields results and doesn't taint the reputation of the US. It's impossible to know at this point, if Said was even a terrorist before being illegally tortured, or if his experience at Gitmo gave him a reason to hate America.

Originally Posted by iogames View Post
On this one you're wrong Mark... When a woman have an unsafe feeling they are experts, I prefer that over an idealist guy...

Second, why Obama have to wash his hands? let's open Gitmo to the public, let's send envoys [like to Iran or North Korea] let them have public attorneys, and no hide what was done there... anyway, when the prisoners are release they gonna say what was going on in there... so Obama's decision is not the smartest one, is one in many solutions... Kapput!

p.s. He's an expert knitting nice words, so he can say: 'Let's get rid of the paranoia and serve justice'
Why is it people think that because Gitmo is going to be closed that the prisoners are going to be released into the wild like Geese? They're not going to be set free just because it's closed. They're going to keep them in detention just like all the other terrorists we have locked up in various detention facilities, only we're going to do something about finding out which one's the terrorists are. Legally.

Originally Posted by Shelley_c View Post
Really, I've now stereotyped living victims of 9/11. Noooooo. I think you've just plain forgotten, back then we were in shock, are we now not in shock anymore? oh,hold on.... many years have passed it's a little less important now and we should just simply forget, after all the families affected, directly affected have moved on. Yeah, course they have. I don't stereotype anything. Like I stated. It's all very well having your high morales, and waving the hand of justice and fairplay but you'll never have to worry about direct terrorism. Maybe you will, we will see. You messiah may spread the word of love and feel dialogue and treating these animals with kids loves but you may be feeling the repercussions.
That's what it's tantamount to, Shelly. Of course time heals the wounds somewhat, but never completely. But we should never want a system of justice that acts on first emotions, but on common sense and fair play. There's a reason we call these things "ideal". Because that's the way their supposed to be. Besides, since when is doing things legally tantamount to "kid gloves". They're still going to be locked up. They're still going to be treated as suspects. The only difference is we're going to actually try to find out if we haven't locked up any one wrongly, and we're going to do it in a way that doesn't involve attaching car batteries to people's genitals. You know, legally? The illegal tactics do nothing more the tourture anyway. They do not garner information accuratly.

By the way, what sense of satisfaction do you get by using the phrase "Messiah" in a deprecating fashion? We've said time and again that we think Obama is sensible and has good judgment. Nothing more. Why do you feel the need to mock that? It doesn't advance the discourse at all, and in no way makes your point any clearer.

I'm not sure why your showing me those pictures, There's nothing new that will shock me or make me feel they are victims. Heck, Most of you americans aren't even victims yet your good at defending the terrorists that kill your neighbours, the hardworking man/woman.
I wasn't showing you the pictures, Shelly. They were directed at someone else's comments, to a different point entirely, as the quote indicates.

And lets just have a re-cap. You've released terrorists. They have gone back to terrorism and plotting the next attack whether it's in america, uk or anywhere else in this world. Yes? Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? should it? yes it should. Your not directly been affect and probably never will.

Anyway, Like i said, you think times were hard, it will get harder.
Ok, lets recap. Bush released terrorists. Not Obama. He released them, or in this case, him, under a flawed system of justice that Obama wants to shut down. See, Bush/Cheney's Gitmo wasn't making us safer. So we need something better. Again, why does everyone think that shutting Gitmo down means setting all the prisoners free? We're shutting down a faulty system of justice, an unreliable means of intelligence and a stain on the American reputation. We're gonna keep the actual terrorists, in case you were wondering.
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Digital Jedi View Post
Ok, lets recap. Bush released terrorists. Not Obama. He released them, or in this case, him, under a flawed system of justice that Obama wants to shut down. See, Bush/Cheney's Gitmo wasn't making us safer. So we need something better. Again, why does everyone think that shutting Gitmo down means setting all the prisoners free? We're shutting down a faulty system of justice, an unreliable means of intelligence and a stain on the American reputation. We're gonna keep the actual terrorists, in case you were wondering.
Obama supports Gates on the continuing striking by missiles on Pakistan's border... if an innocent died on the last strike then ur Obama is not better than ur Bush... tada!
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by iogames View Post
Obama supports Gates on the continuing striking by missiles on Pakistan's border... if an innocent died on the last strike then ur Obama is not better than ur Bush... tada!
Are you talking about the strike the CIA made this week? The strike that was authorized prior to Obama taking office? The strike that doesn't require the President's authorization to get the go ahead? That strike?
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:32 PM
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darng! does Obama's team pays you to defend him here at vB.org?
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Old 01-30-2009, 12:23 PM
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No, I just play a lot of political news online. And it seems to keep the baby calm for some strange reason.
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Old 01-30-2009, 12:32 PM
Marco van Herwaarden Marco van Herwaarden is offline
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Be carefull not to let the baby hear it too often, before you kowit he/she wants to become a politician later. And i guess no parent would want that.
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