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Old 04-25-2006, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by shortbus1662
What does illegally driving while high on drugs have to do with whether or not a drug should be legalized?
because it impairs you? Take a look at what you just wrote and tell me if it makes even the remotest sense. Plus, anyone who says smoking pot doesn't lead to harder drugs is either (a)a fool, or (b)didn't smoke it long enough to need something stonger. I smoked it for 25 years regularly. I felt the same way you do when I smoked it. I also got tired of it and moved on to anything and everything else just to maintain a decent buzz and it nearly killed me. Every drug addict I ever met (and I've known more than a few in my day) all started out smoking pot. Yes, legalizing pot is a cop out and just plain stupid.
Old 04-25-2006, 01:06 AM
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no it's not. It makes total sense.

I smoked it enough times to know about it.

If you are an addict, maybe yes you will seek other drugs, but if you are looking to get high you're going to get high regardless of whether or not you smoked pot, took pain pills, or drank alchohol to get you started.

Just because you couldn't manage to keep from using other illicit drugs means that the rest of the country can't?

Personally, I believe that I ought to have the freedom do put marijuana in my body if I want to. I can chug a bottle of drano or other solvent type substance. I can smoke a cigarette. I can drink a beer. I can do a gagillion other things that might harm my body, and yet I cannot smoke some marijuana?

It's ridiculous. Pretty soon the government will deem it illegal to smoke tobacco because it harms you. Ten years later, NO CAFFIENE. What next?

I'd rather save that choice for myself.

It is a proven fact that marijuana is NOT PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE.

I can understand cocaine and substances like that, where your body NEEDS the substance, and people steal, kill, etc. for the drug, but marijuana does not fit that category.

By your argument, it should be illegal to drink coca cola because the high the caffiene gives you will make you want to drink something even better and so you will then turn to beer, then to hard liquor, etc.

That is a personal problem. If you cannot control your own actions and keep from participating in HIHGLY illegal and harmful activities for a good buzz, then that is your problem, not socieities.

People who want to smoke marijuana are smoking it already. If I wanted to get high I could have weed in my hand in less than 30 minutes.

The only reason I don't smoke it is because it IS illegal.

I have two young girls and if I had to choose pot or booze for them to do when they get older, I'd choose pot every time. It is ABSOLUTELY the lesser of two evils.

The only negative impact I see of marijuana use in MODERATION is eating.
Old 04-25-2006, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by shortbus1662
It is a proven fact that marijuana is NOT PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE.
I would love to see some credible evidence backing up your claim.

Originally Posted by shortbus1662
I have two young girls and if I had to choose pot or booze for them to do when they get older, I'd choose pot every time. It is ABSOLUTELY the lesser of two evils.
geez...I hope you change your stance on that statement because if you do your job right, they won't want or need want either....
Old 04-25-2006, 04:19 AM
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I certainly hope you are right and they don't want/need either, I was just trying to make a statement comparing the evils of the two.

I will look for the medical evidence regarding the addiction part but I wrote a paper on it in college and am 99.9999% sure
Old 04-25-2006, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by shortbus1662
I certainly hope you are right and they don't want/need either, I was just trying to make a statement comparing the evils of the two.

I will look for the medical evidence regarding the addiction part but I wrote a paper on it in college and am 99.9999% sure
I hope so too...I have two young daughters as well. I don't know if I can make a comparison of the evils between the two as I never have been much of a drinker but drug addiction and alcoholism are both very destructive.

You may be right, but the mental addiction is real and the danger of experimenting with harder drugs is real as well...thats the greatest danger, imho, to making it that much easier via legalization, for people who might not otherwise experiment with it.
Old 04-26-2006, 03:38 PM
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Name one biologically good reason for a healthy person to use drugs.

Ergo, argument over.
Old 04-26-2006, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by filburt1
Name one biologically good reason for a healthy person to use drugs.

Ergo, argument over.
Because they are old and stupid like me and need something to keep them alive?
Old 04-26-2006, 04:01 PM
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I know I could use some pain killers right now. These wisdom teeth are killing me.
Old 04-26-2006, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Boofo
Because they are old and stupid like me and need something to keep them alive?
Emphasis on "healthy". If you need a drug to keep you alive you probably don't fall int othat category then. .
Old 04-26-2006, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by TruthElixirX
Emphasis on "healthy". If you need a drug to keep you alive you probably don't fall int othat category then. .
I have to disagree with that one. A person can be healthy and still require certain drugs to live, or at least prevent health issues later in life.

I am a prime example of this. If not for the pills I take for acid reflux I'd be looking at a much shorter life span. I also have to get vitamin B12 injections because my body does not process it correctly. I have to by-pass the stomach by injecting it into my leg, or arm if the nurse does it for me.
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