Version: , by supreemball
Developer Last Online: Aug 2006
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 11-30-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 9
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
ok for those of you who want(ed) a skin selector on the main page of their forum, this is my little release of code.. i'm sure this could probably be done better somehow, but this 'hack' alone took me a good 45 minutes just to figure out.. this is what i call a skin selector, but technically it just changes the styleid of the skin the user selects into the active styleid all in a dropdown.. the same type of dropdown exists on the User CP - Edit Options screen under Style Set as well.
basically the purpose of this code is to provide a much-needed shortcut on the forum's main page if your forum has multiple templatesets (aka 'skins').. so in other words your users don't have to go to User CP - Edit Profile - Style Set - (choose from dropdown) - Submit Modifications, etc..
note: each "option value" number is the style id for each template set, so change it according to the numbers and names of your style sets.
i'd recommend you put this code on your forumhome template for each template set (aka skin) you have, preferrably at the top, so users can change skins on a dime.. you can see this little doozy in action @ near the top right side.
bugs: none except for 1 i know of, basically this dropdown adds some unneeded line feeds.. i'm still trying to find an onchange dropdown list that doesnt add line feeds because of the </form> tag. you can change it to a normal dropdown with a go button instead if you want though.
also if you know of any better way(s) of doing this little hack, please lemme know by all means.
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If you're really going to make this a hack (because currently is it just a template modification), why not generating the <option> for every style automatically?
okay that's what i needed but i have one question :
I use different group of users ===> diff levels
Is that possible :
The first grade see in the dropdown
-Trouffion style
The second grade see in the dropdown
-trouffion style
-Soldat style
The third
-trouffion style
-soldat style
-sergent style
etc ....
PLUS when you are trouffion you got the trouffion style and when you get one more grade (soldat), automaticly it sets you the soldat style (but after you can choose to get back the old style : you'll have the choice) but this is not abolutly needed because as you only change usergroup of one user on the admpinCP, at the same time i could change his style too...
Please i REALLY need this modification, REALLY REALLY REALLY