Version: 1.0.0, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.5.8
Released: 09-11-2005
Last Update: 09-12-2005
Installs: 21
Uses Plugins
Code Changes
No support by the author.
vB3.5 Forum Display Stats Cache Serialized
Version 1.0.0
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
It will display stats about each forum at the top of that forum. (NOTE: The attachments info will NOT show in forums that have no attachments.) Also included in the product is Logician's vB2 "Last Post Minute Hack" (with his permission for the vB2 version, of course) optimized and redone for vB3.5. It now uses NO queries to get the last minute info. This product will display a link the last post and the time the last post was made (i.e. "1 minute" or "2 days", etc.) as well as the name and link to the last poster in the forum. The stats are cached and the cache is only updated at a time set by you. With an option in the Admin CP, you can reset the time between cache updates once this product is installed. This product will add 1 optimized query (for the user's threads and replies stats) on a cache read, but since this product is serialized, the cache read itself will not pull a query. On a cache update, it will add 6 queries to update the cache. And then drop back down to the one query until the next cache update. This product will make a cache in the datastore for each forum you have (with no extra queries), so you don't have to worry about forums getting cross-cached with this product. It has been thoroughly tested on my site, but as we all know too well, sites can, and often do, vary in the way a product performs on it. I forsee no problems of any kind on any site in the way this product functions. It's basically pretty simple and hard to mess up.
Forum Display Stats Update Frequency NOTE: This is the setting for the time interval (in minutes) that you want the cache to be updated on. The default value is 10 minutes. You can change the setting in the Admin CP vBulletin Options settings under "Forum Listings Display Options > Forum Display Stats Update Frequency".
A BIG thank you goes out to eXtremeTim for all of his expert guidance and patience while this product was being converted and tested. This product might never have gotten past the conversion if it wasn't for him. And it definitely wouldn't have been finished by now. Thank you, my friend.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.0 --Initial release
Installation overview:
Files to edit: (1)
--forumdisplay.php (or config.php)
Products to install (1)
Installation Instructions:
In forumdisplay.php:
BELOW it add:
If you want to save a file edit on upgrades, do the following INSTEAD of the above file edit:
In includes/config.php:
$config['Mysqli']['ini_file'] = '';
BELOW it add:
// ****** SPECIALTEMPLATES *****
// Add any specialtemplates here for any products or mods that use the datastore, to save
// from re-doing file edits on an upgrade or re-install of vBulletin (until they give us a better
// way to do it, anyway). Thanks to KirbyDE for the how-to on doing this.
if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay')
global $specialtemplates;
$specialtemplates = array_merge($specialtemplates, array('forumstatscache'));
NOTE: You can also add any other specialtemplates from other hacks in here to save those file edits also.
Go to your AdminCP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-forumdisplay_stats_bh.xml file on your computer
cant see where this is supposed to show, followed the instructions, but nothing is displaying..???
Are you sure that you loaded in the project file? Becuase we used a trick to do the template edit to avoid having to do it by hand. The product file is the heart of this hack and contains 99.99% of the code.