Might be a simple answer, but I'm all sortsa confused at this point...I use the $_REQUEST['whatever'] for navigation throughout my scripts, with the new $vbulletin->GPC stuff, how EXACTLY does one run the $_REQUEST array through the cleaning and then call / assign the resulting variable? For example,
If you want to just clean 1 Variable, it does not make much sense to call clean_array_gpc()
But of course you can also use this.
So here's another question....
I have a huge list of inputs, if I want these to be seen within a function, I have to list them in the global statement within the new function. With this new way of globalizing/cleaning them, can I run the clean statement and that will be readable within the function without having to declare them in the global statement since they will be in the $vbulletin object?
As the cleaned values are keys in array GPC which itself is a property of Class vB_Registry (for which an Object $vbulletin is being createded by init.php), you only have to declare $vbulletin as global.
As the cleaned values are keys in array GPC which itself is a property of Class vB_Registry (for which an Object $vbulletin is being createded by init.php), you only have to declare $vbulletin as global.