ok settle down and please download the latest version the errors you are describing about missing database tables are telling you are trying to install an outdated version of this hack
i already warned you about "TABLE_PREFIX" he that's a global vb varible for people that use database prefixes (for the tables) so if your table name is without prefix the query becomes
ALTER TABLE warnings ADD COLUMN warned_status char( 1 )
ok you might have the latest version BUT if you want to upgrade and you are running an old verion you must perform ALL of the mentioned steps in UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt file the modoption querry is
ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` ADD COLUMN modoption char(3)
again remove the "TABLE_PREFIX" if you don't need it
When I click the view warning logs, I get this DB error:
Invalid SQL: select w.*,u.username as wusername,u.userid as wuserid,wt.*,wuser.username as warned_username_v,wuser.userid as warned_userid_v, ruser.username as removed_by_v, (w.warned_time+wt.warn_maturity*24*60*60) AS maturitydate from
warnings w
left join user wuser on(wuser.userid=w.warned_user)
left join user u on(u.userid=w.warned_by)
left join user ruser on(ruser.userid=w.removed_by)
left join warning_types wt on(wt.tid=w.warned_warning_id) ORDER BY w.warned_time DESC LIMIT 0, 20
mysql error: Unknown column 'w.removed_by' in 'on clause'
what are you doing you must install this hack the following way
upload the hack files to your server (keeping the standard vb directory structure intact
run install_warn.php(lataest version)
do ALL of the .php files and templates edits
then and only then you can try to see if it works i think you are trying to see if it works when you are not completely done yet.The database errors you are getting can only be caused by incomplete or outdated installations
I have installed it as you stated. The DB errors are still there:
When I click view log I get a DB error, but now when I click view warnings in a post or if I attempt to give a warming all I see is a white page and thats it?
well that's odd the "blank page" is a known problem first question i have in this problem
do you use more then one vbulletin style ? if yes then you can use this hack to copy the modified templates to all styles you use (requirerd) also do you use the files from this this thread ?
usually blank pages turn up if you use custom styles but you aren't ... did you got any errors when you edited the templates ? daim this is odd i need some sleep now no more ideas when i wake up tomorrow morning i might have a new idea also there was a problem with an earlies release of aws i believe John updated the files in that "sticky" thread here in this forum