I beg you please... I'm hearing this complaint over and over and over again... My users want an ignore thread option so that they have control over what threads get thrown in their face, ESPECIALLY IN AN ELECTION YEAR. It's getting out of control and it'll only get worse until I get this hack successfully implemented. I hate being a heavy handed moderator, and would just as soon the users be able to control what they see themselves.
Somebody please... End this madness. Get this hack out. Please!
I have him on aim, and ive not seen him as of late, this could be due to the end of school or lack of internet, if/when i see him online next ill ask him whats up
Spamming and bumping threads will not get anyone to help you - This is a nifty feature I would like too, but it is something you and I will have to wait for...
Spamming and bumping threads will not get anyone to help you - This is a nifty feature I would like too, but it is something you and I will have to wait for...
I have him on aim, and ive not seen him as of late, this could be due to the end of school or lack of internet, if/when i see him online next ill ask him whats up
Thanks... Much appreciated.
I wouldn't bother if I didn't get bugged by my users every other day for such a feature.