I'm pretty sure most of you out there know about this, but if not. This site is allowing users to take hacks off of VB.org version 3 forum. You may want to take action if you can. I'm not sure, don't really wanna get mixed up in this, but just pointing out...
*puts in php code so unlicensed viewers can't see*
Oh, and I just read the forum rules, and it said really not about warez, but this is in PHP code, so anyone that is actually licensed can only see it, and its regarding your site. Sorry if otherwise.
I guess cause vBulletin.com has all the big boys for the software? LMAO. I have no clue actually, but from as long as I've been around here, they've always said to e-mail it to vBulletin.com's piracy (I think) e-mail address.
I guess cause vBulletin.com has all the big boys for the software? LMAO. I have no clue actually, but from as long as I've been around here, they've always said to e-mail it to vBulletin.com's piracy (I think) e-mail address.
All piracy reports go to vBulletin.com, they deal with that stuff for all offical sites.
All piracy reports go to vBulletin.com, they deal with that stuff for all offical sites.
Just out of curiousity and endless boredom... if I write a hack and publish it here, will the hack automatically become Jelsoft's property and Jelsoft's right to decide who is going to access my hack?
This site is copyright ?2001 - 2004, vBulletin.org. All hacks are copyright their respective owners.
However Jelsoft will try and shut down sites who are blatantly taking hacks from vB.org and distributing them illegally without the hackers permission.
Meh, another one, this time distributing VB and hacks, paid hacks and such, I really don't feel like emailing piracy vb when we have like the whole vb team here :S