I'd like to create a live news feed generated from various folders on my forum and make it available to other web masters for their sites. I have a very loyal userbase who would like to see something like that to create dynamic news content for their own websites.
RSS seems to be the standard.. but I really am not very familiar with how it all works. Sort of looking for a new thread tool where my moderators could "mark this as news" and then it would feed to the Newsfeed and be available for those subscribing or using my newsfeed.
I think RSS requires loads of code to be put in on the other site to make it usable on a site. While slower, javascript tends to be easier to implement in my experience.
I'm interested in this. Especially now that I've got members asking why our xml/rdf/rss newsfeed is bust. Heck, I didn't think the site was that popular...?