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i really f*&$ed up Details »»
i really f*&$ed up
Version: , by pHAZE_1 pHAZE_1 is offline
Developer Last Online: Feb 2004 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: Unknown Rating:
Released: 04-09-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 0
No support by the author.

i installed this hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...347#post238347 and when i go to my site it says this....... but it works if i access my forums from my admin cp.
'; } else { $avatarimage=''; } //check usergroup of user to see if they can use PMs //$permissions=getpermissions($forumid); if ($enablepms==1 and $permissions['canusepm'] and $bbuserinfo['receivepm']) { $ignoreusers=""; if (trim($bbuserinfo['ignorelist'])!="") { $ignoreusers='AND fromuserid<>'.implode(' AND fromuserid<>',explode(' ', trim($bbuserinfo['ignorelist']))); } $allpm=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS messages FROM privatemessage WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] $ignoreusers"); $newpm=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS messages FROM privatemessage WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND dateline>$bbuserinfo[lastvisit] AND folderid=0 $ignoreusers"); $unreadpm=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS messages FROM privatemessage WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND messageread=0 AND folderid=0 $ignoreusers"); if ($newpm['messages']==0) { $lightbulb='off'; } else { $lightbulb='on'; } eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";"); } else { $pminfo=''; } $numbersmembers=$DB_site->query_first('SELECT COUNT(*) AS users,MAX(userid) AS max FROM user'); $numbermembers=number_format($numbersmembers['users']); // get total posts $countposts=$DB_site->query_first('SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post'); $totalposts=number_format($countposts['posts']); $countthreads=$DB_site->query_first('SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread'); $totalthreads=number_format($countthreads['threads']); // get newest member $getnewestusers=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid,username FROM user WHERE userid=$numbersmembers[max]"); $newusername=$getnewestusers['username']; $newuserid=$getnewestusers['userid']; // if user is know, then welcome $getnewthread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread WHERE lastpost > '$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'"); $getnewpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE dateline > '$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'"); if ($bbuserinfo['userid']!=0) { $username=$bbuserinfo['username']; eval("\$welcometext = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_welcometext')."\";") ; eval("\$logincode = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_logoutcode')."\";"); eval("\$newposts = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_newposts')."\";"); } else { $welcometext = ""; eval("\$newposts = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_todayposts')."\";"); eval("\$logincode = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_logincode')."\";"); } $birthdaybits=""; if ($showbirthdays) { $birthdays = gettemplate('birthdays',0,0); $btoday = explode('|||',$birthdays); $today = vbdate("Y-m-d",time()); if ($today != $btoday[0] and $today != $btoday[1]) { // Need to update! getbirthdays(); $birthdays = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT template FROM template WHERE title='birthdays' and templatesetid = -2"); $birthdays = $birthdays[template]; $btoday = explode('|||',$birthdays); } if ($today == $btoday[0]) { $birthdays = $btoday[2]; } elseif ($today == $btoday[1]) { $birthdays = $btoday[3]; } if ($birthdays) { eval("\$birthdaybits = \"".gettemplate("forumhome_birthdaybit")."\";") ; } } //Forum info $forums=$DB_site->query('SELECT * FROM forum WHERE displayorder<>0 AND active=1 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder'); while ($forum=$DB_site->fetch_array($forums)) { $iforumcache["$forum[parentid]"]["$forum[displayorder]"]["$forum[forumid]"] = $forum; } $DB_site->free_result($forums); unset($forum); //Forum perms $forumperms=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid,canview,canpostnew FROM forumpermission WHERE usergroupid='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]'"); while ($forumperm=$DB_site->fetch_array($forumperms)) { $ipermcache["$forumperm[forumid]"] = $forumperm; } $DB_site->free_result($forumperms); unset($forumperm); if ($bbuserinfo['userid']!=0 AND $enableaccess) { //Access table perms $accessperms=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid,accessmask FROM access WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'"); while ($accessperm=$DB_site->fetch_array($accessperms)) { $accesscache["$accessperm[forumid]"] = $accessperm; } $DB_site->free_result($accessperms); unset($accessperm); // usergroup defaults $usergroupdef['canview'] = $permissions['canview']; $usergroupdef['canpostnew'] = $permissions['canpostnew']; // array for accessmask=0 $noperms['canview'] = 0; $noperms['canpostnew'] = 0; } else { $accesscache = ''; } $forummoderators=$DB_site->query('SELECT user.userid,user.username,moderator.forumid FROM moderator LEFT JOIN user ON (moderator.userid=user.userid) ORDER BY user.username'); while ($moderator=$DB_site->fetch_array($forummoderators)) { $imodcache["$moderator[forumid]"][] = $moderator; $mod["$moderator[userid]"] = 1; } $DB_site->free_result($forummoderators); unset($moderator); $activeusers = ""; $loggedinusers = ""; if ($displayloggedin) { $datecut=time()-$cookietimeout; $loggedins=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid=0 AND lastactivity>$datecut"); $numberguest=$loggedins['sessions']; $numbervisible=0; $numberregistered=0; $loggedins=$DB_site->query("SELECT DISTINCT session.userid,username,invisible,usergroupid FROM session LEFT JOIN user ON (user.userid=session.userid) WHERE session.userid>0 AND session.lastactivity>$datecut ORDER BY invisible ASC, username ASC"); if ($loggedin=$DB_site->fetch_array($loggedins)) { $numberregistered++; if ($loggedin['invisible']==0 or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==6) { $numbervisible++; $userid = $loggedin['userid']; if ($loggedin['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin $invisibleuser = '*'; } else { $invisibleuser = ''; } if ($loggedin['usergroupid'] == 6 and $highlightadmin) { $username = "$loggedin[username]"; } else if (($mod["$userid"] or $loggedin['usergroupid'] == 5) and $highlightadmin) { $username = "$loggedin[username]"; } else { $username = $loggedin['username']; } eval("\$activeusers = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_loggedinuser')."\";" ); } while ($loggedin=$DB_site->fetch_array($loggedins)) { $numberregistered++; $invisibleuser = ''; if ($loggedin['invisible']==1 and $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']!=6) { continue; } $numbervisible++; $userid=$loggedin['userid']; if ($loggedin['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin $invisibleuser = '*'; } if ($loggedin['usergroupid'] == 6 and $highlightadmin) { $username = "$loggedin[username]"; } else if (($mod["$userid"] or $loggedin['usergroupid'] == 5) and $highlightadmin) { $username = "$loggedin[username]"; } else { $username = $loggedin['username']; } eval("\$activeusers .= \", ".gettemplate('forumhome_loggedinuser')."\";") ; } } $DB_site->free_result($loggedins); $totalonline=$numberregistered+$numberguest; $numberinvisible=$numberregistered-$numbervisible; $maxusers=explode(" ", gettemplate('maxloggedin',0,0)); if ((int)$maxusers[0] <= $totalonline) { $time = time(); $maxloggedin = "$totalonline " . $time; $DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxloggedin' WHERE title='maxloggedin'"); $maxusers[0] = $totalonline; $maxusers[1] = $time; } $recordusers = $maxusers[0]; $recorddate = vbdate($dateformat,$maxusers[1]); $recordtime = vbdate($timeformat,$maxusers[1]); eval("\$loggedinusers = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_loggedinusers')."\"; "); } // Start makeforumbit function makeforumbit($forumid,$depth=1,$permissions='') { global $DB_site,$bbuserinfo,$iforumcache,$ipermcache,$imo dcache,$session,$accesscache,$usergroupdef,$noperm s; global $showlocks,$hideprivateforums,$showforumdescriptio n,$forumhomedepth,$dateformat,$timeformat,$enablea ccess; global $bbforumview; if ( !isset($iforumcache["$forumid"]) ) { return; } $forumbits = ''; while ( list($key1,$val1)=each($iforumcache["$forumid"]) ) { while ( list($key2,$forum)=each($val1) ) { // Permissions if ( $enableaccess and is_array($accesscache["$forum[forumid]"]) ) { if ($accesscache["$forum[forumid]"]['accessmask']==1) { $forumperms = $usergroupdef; } else { $forumperms = $noperms; } } else if ( is_array($ipermcache["$forum[forumid]"]) ) { $forumperms = $ipermcache["$forum[forumid]"]; } else { $forumperms = $permissions; } if (!$hideprivateforums) { $forumperms['canview']=1; } if (!$forumperms['canview']) { continue; } else { $forumshown=1; // do light bulb if ($bbuserinfo['lastvisitdate']=='Never') { $forum['onoff']='on'; } else { if (isset($bbforumview[$forum['forumid']]) and $bbforumview[$forum['forumid']]>$bbuserinfo['lastvisit']) { $userlastvisit=$bbforumview[$forum['forumid']]; } else { $userlastvisit=$bbuserinfo['lastvisit']; } if ($userlastvisit<$forum['lastpost']) { $forum['onoff']='on'; } else { $forum['onoff']='off'; } } if ((!$forumperms['canpostnew'] and $showlocks) or $forum['allowposting']==0) { $forum['onoff'].='lock'; } // prepare template vars if (!$showforumdescription) { $forum['description']=''; } // dates if ($forum['lastpost']>0) { $forum['lastpostdate']=vbdate($dateformat,$forum['lastpost']); $forum['lastposttime']=vbdate($timeformat,$forum['lastpost']); eval("\$forum['lastpostinfo'] = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_lastpostby')."\";"); } else { $forum['lastpostinfo']='Never'; } $listexploded=explode(",", $forum['parentlist']); while ( list($mkey1,$mval1)=each($listexploded) ) { if ( !isset($imodcache["$mval1"]) ) { continue; } reset($imodcache["$mval1"]); while ( list($mkey2,$moderator)=each($imodcache["$mval1"]) ) { if ( !isset($forum['moderators']) ) { eval("\$forum['moderators'] = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_moderator')."\";"); } else { eval("\$forum['moderators'] .= \", ".gettemplate('forumhome_moderator')."\";"); } } } if ( !isset($forum['moderators']) ) { $forum['moderators'] = ' '; } if ($forum['cancontainthreads']==1) { $tempext = '_post'; } else { $tempext = '_nopost'; } eval("\$forumbits .= \"".gettemplate("forumhome_forumbit_level$depth$te mpext")."\";"); if ($depth<$forumhomedepth) { $forumbits.=makeforumbit($forum['forumid'],$depth+1,$forumperms); } } // END if can view } // END while ( list($key2,$forum)=each($val1) ) { } // END while ( list($key1,$val1)=each($iforumcache["$forumid"]) ) { unset($iforumcache["$forumid"]); return $forumbits; } if (!isset($forumid) or $forumid==0 or $forumid=='') { $forumid=-1; } else { // need to get permissions for this specific forum $permissions=getpermissions(intval($forumid)); } $forumbits=makeforumbit(intval($forumid), 1, $permissions); $unregwelcomemessage=''; if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==0) { eval("\$unregwelcomemessage = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_unregmessage')."\";" ); } eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate('forumhome')."\");" ); ?>
please help

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