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Version: 1.00, by Dom Dom is offline
Developer Last Online: Oct 2002 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 01-12-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 7
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

I am using JPilot for a chat client on my websites. I haven't found a great solution for showing what users are in the chat so I decided to code my own.

Live demo at : http://www.cgchat.com
The users are listed at the top.

The script seems to work well, but I haven't had time to take a look at much of the vbulletin code, so it does maybe need some work.


!Backup your vbulletin and site!

Modify user table with the fallowing lines

ALTER TABLE user ADD lastchatactivity int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' not null
ALTER TABLE user ADD inchat smallint(4) DEFAULT '0' not null

Whatever chat software you are using, you have to have it open in a new browser window. Create a page that has two frames.

<title>Site Title.com</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<frameset rows="1,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="mainchat_top.php" >
<frame name="mainFrame" src="main_chat.php">
<noframes><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">



main_chat.php: This page has your chat client, in my case jpilot.

mainchat_top.php: The top page has a page with this code:

if( $bbuserid ) {

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET inchat='1' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET lastchatactivity=$ourtimenow WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
} else {

} // end if
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="100; url=http://www.cgchat.com/board/mainchat_top.php">
<body bgcolor="#0F1D2D">
<center><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#FFFFFF">Please leave this window open when you are in the CG Live Chat


What this does is the top hidden frame refreshes every 100 seconds updating the database with the user in the chat. So if the users are using a chat client like mirc this won't show them that they are on the chat, unless you make a new page and point them to the code that updates the db like the code above.

Now the printing isn't very well optimized for vbulletin. This is because I get confused when working with templates in vb , didn't have much time to play around with them yet. Anyway this is what I do:

Create a new page call it : displaychatusers.php and place this code

if ($showforumusers) {
$datecut = $ourtimenow - $cookietimeout;
$chatters = '';
$comma = '';
$forumusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT username, invisible, userid
FROM user
WHERE inchat = 1 AND
lastchatactivity > $datecut");
while ($forumuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers)) {
if (!$forumuser['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) {
$userid = $forumuser['userid'];
$username = $forumuser['username'];
if ($forumuser['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin
$invisibleuser = '*';
} else {
$invisibleuser = '';
eval("\$chatters .= \"".$comma.gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinuser' )."\";");
$comma = ', ';


Now I include this page in the header of vbulletin, and echo $chatters in one of the templates. That's it.

If you want to display the users in the forums I used GeorgeofCS previous code from his hack on digichat. Here is a paste:

in forumdisplay.php

at the very bottom the right above:

eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate('forumdisplay')."\" );");


// Get users chatting
if ($showforumusers) {
$datecut = $ourtimenow - $cookietimeout;
$chatters = '';
$comma = '';
$forumusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT username, invisible, userid
FROM user
WHERE inchat = 1 AND
lastchatactivity > $datecut");
while ($forumuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers)) {
if (!$forumuser['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) {
$userid = $forumuser['userid'];
$username = $forumuser['username'];
if ($forumuser['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin
$invisibleuser = '*';
} else {
$invisibleuser = '';
eval("\$chatters .= \"".$comma.gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinuser' )."\";");
$comma = ', ';
if ($chatters) {
if (!$moderatedby) {
$onlineusers = "<br>";
eval("\$onlineusers .= \"".gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinusers')."\"; ");

Next in forumdisplay_loggedinusers template

<br>(Users Browsing this Forum: $browsers)


<br>(Users Browsing this Forum: $browsers)
<br>(Users In Chat: $chatters)

Thats it, if you have any suggestions or extra info let me know. It seem to be a little delayed, and sometimes when a user leaves a chat it still prints there name in chatters , it has to do something with the lastactivity and cookietimeout. I stole that from GeorgeofCS code and it seems to work quite well.

Let me know what you think.



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Old 01-13-2002, 10:09 AM
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Hi Dom,

This hack looks hugely encouraging. I'm not keen to be the first person to try it. I'm also using vbPortal and would like to include this information in a side block, if possible.

My main concern before installing it would be speed - how does this affect loading time of your forums? Have you noticed much difference? What has been the response of your users?

Cheers for now,

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Old 01-13-2002, 11:15 AM
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I know solution to the delay, but seeing that everyone just "steals" my code and re-releases it without asking first I'll keep the information for myself. Cause frankly if you had asked I would have told you the code doesn't work quite well for refreshing.
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Old 01-13-2002, 11:37 AM
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If part of this hack hack does user GeorgeofCS's code, and he hasn't been asked or credited then this hack should be removed.
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Old 01-13-2002, 12:48 PM
Dom Dom is offline
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The reason I posted this is no body has made a good solution for showing who is in the chat when using vbulletin.

The code works fine with reloading and I don't see any performance changes. It works well.

As for the code I stole, it was only the
if ($showforumusers) {
$datecut = $ourtimenow - $cookietimeout;
$chatters = '';
$comma = '';
$forumusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT username, invisible, userid
FROM user
WHERE inchat = 1 AND
lastchatactivity > $datecut");
while ($forumuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers)) {
if (!$forumuser['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) {
$userid = $forumuser['userid'];
$username = $forumuser['username'];
if ($forumuser['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin
$invisibleuser = '*';
} else {
$invisibleuser = '';
eval("\$chatters .= \"".$comma.gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinuser' )."\";");
$comma = ', ';


I would have rewrote, but why do it if one is already main availble. I have noted it's your code. I really don't care if you or I made it. I am not here for competition! I am here to offer some sort of solution to your problems. I mentioned your name.

ITS GEORGEOFCS CODE!!! Yes those 10 lines are his code. It works well. If he won't allow you to use it, I will write my own.

I am sorry for the missunderstanding, I thought this is a community for sharing ideas. Seems to me it's a popularity spike.
I am not selling the code, so don't worry no million is going to arrive at my door.


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Old 01-13-2002, 04:08 PM
sk187 sk187 is offline
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Dom- great script im deffinetly going to use it but can you please post a link to the jpilot hack you used? I have a copy of jpilot and have been using it in a different way on my board and want to intergreat it like you did.

Hi stan
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Old 01-13-2002, 04:30 PM
Dom Dom is offline
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You are going to have to tell me exacthly what you mean. All you have to do is make a button in one of the templates to open a new window that frame window.
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Old 01-13-2002, 05:37 PM
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Great! Thanks for sharing. Gonna install this one later.
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Old 01-13-2002, 06:15 PM
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The point of my post is at least you could have asked me first. Not so much because I don't want you taking my hack, but rather there's bugs in my code and the better version was to be release within the next day or so, and it's bug free and not beta.
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Old 01-13-2002, 08:17 PM
Dom Dom is offline
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I am sorry Goerge , I should have asked you are right. If you do have a new version do share it with us if you like. I didn't proclaim the code as being mine, so I really didn't think it would matter to you even if I mentioned your name.

Again sorry.

There seems to be a slight delay in a post however. It displays the users in the chat, but they are no longer there. It does have something to do with your code and cookietimeout time stamp.

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