YES, ibProArcade has reached the modern standards and is now compatible to PHP 7
* automatic detection for mysql/mysqli (take setting from vB /config.php)
* if you experience connection problems, set $CONNECTFIX to 1 (in /arcade.php)
(seems to be general problem with MariaDB ?)
* automatic Arcade-Tab in vB4 NavBar (working with vB 4.2 and later)
* username markup everywhere in ibProArcade (Usergroup-setting in vBulletin)
* improved check for updates in AdminCP>Arcade
* several small improvements to make the world a little better
Bugs fixed:
* AdminCP Mass-Installer working again
* page-selector was gone if enables categories and just one category
If you are new to ibProArcade and do a fresh Installation, just read the included Instructions. Make sure to read the ones that correspond to your vBulletin-Version!
For those who upgrade their ibProArcade v2.5.x/v2.6.x/v2.7.x do the following:
upload and overwrite all (!) PHP-Files from Archive's /upload-Folder
if you are using vBulletin 3.5.x/3.6.x/3.7.x/3.8.x/4.x.x update the Product "ibProArcade":
Enter AdminCP
Open Menu-Group "PlugIn-System"
Click "Manage Products"
Click "Add/Import Products"
Enter the Path to the Product-XML-File: ./includes/xml/product-ibproarcade.xml
Set "Overwrite Product" to YES (very important, this does the Update!)
Confirm the Import of that Product
if you are using vBulletin 3.0.x use the Installer:
upload /installer.php to your forum's root
run installer.php
delete installer.php from your forum's root
you're done
Make sure you upload and overwrite ALL files from the UPLOAD-folder in the ZIP-archive!
If you are upgrading from vBulletin 3.x to 4.x make sure to read the included HTML-Installation-Instructions and do the template-changes for vBulletin 4.x !
Please report any Bugs, Faults, Errors, Suggestions, Ideas, Feature-Requests ect. in the Support-Forum in the "Premium Modification"-Section here at
To express your support for this product, I am happy about any small donation which you can easily send via your AdminCP -> Arcade -> Information
THANKS ALOT to stangger5 for his continued support and help here in the forums and on this product, thx mate!
Also a big THANK YOU to everybody else supporting, helping, testing and suggesting in this project
XML-problem fixed... like I already told you in your PM
database... you have MariaDB running? I think it was your site needing this port-modification to connect properly, right? Please send me FTP-access and AdminCP-access again via PM and I check this out
Great news!
I go to download and try.
Only a doubt:
Indicate this improvement:
* automatic Arcade-Tab in vB4 NavBar (working with vB 4.2 and later)
in this case, we no longer need the ibProArcade Navbar vb4.2 product?
* automatic Arcade-Tab in vB4 NavBar (working with vB 4.2 and later)
in this case, we no longer need the ibProArcade Navbar vb4.2 product?
That is correct, it is now implemented in ibProArcade itself, thanks to stangger5 (again) for this.
I adapted it a little bit in sorting and functions, so is a new menu-layout, but you don't need any additional product/addon for this.