The purpose and philosophy of this product is that if a moderator or administrator replies to a moderated post, then they are implying approval of the post and so the original post and the reply should both be auto-approved and then visible to the public. This alleviates the need to first approve the original post before replying, or if approving the original post is overlooked, approving both posts when done.
The "original post" can be either a moderated post that is quoted, or the last post in the thread prior to a reply being made. If the moderated (original) post is the first in the thread, then you have the option not to approve threads.
You can set whether this product acts globally or only in certain forums. You can also choose whether descendant forums are affected when choosing forums with children.
Settings given in the AdminCP are as follows:
Auto-Approve Posts On Reply Enabled? (yesno)
Auto-Approve Original Posts? (yesno)
Auto-Approve Quoted Posts Only? (yesno)
Auto-Approve Threads? (yesno)
Auto-Approve Posts in ALL Forums? (yesno)
Active Forums (multiple select)
Include Descendant Forums? (yesno)
Update: version 1.1
Fixed bug regarding user redirection.
Download and extract the attached zip file.
In AdminCP go to Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product XML file that was included in the .zip file.
Click "Import"
You MUST enable the product by going to:
AdminCP -> Options -> MarkFL: Auto-Approve Posts On Reply v1.0
And clicking "Yes" for "Auto-Approve Posts On Reply Enabled?"
I have users reporting that they are getting 'invalid thread specified' while this product is active when posting to a forum that requires moderator approval. Ideas?
I have users reporting that they are getting 'invalid thread specified' while this product is active when posting to a forum that requires moderator approval. Ideas?
Had a thought about this addon the other day, and it might have some value on a per-thread basis.
When a new thread is being created, add in an additional check box in the moderator tools section on the newthread.php page. Call it "Require all replies to be approved?".
So when a user goes to reply to a particular thread with the mode enabled... the post will need to be quoted/replied to as per what the addon currently does before showing up.
I know that there is the Moderate Posts on a per-forum basis, but the one-off threads needing such a feature would be odd/bizarre to generate a new forum with a singular thread in it, let alone enabling moderate posts in an already active forum.
Had a thought about this addon the other day, and it might have some value on a per-thread basis.
When a new thread is being created, add in an additional check box in the moderator tools section on the newthread.php page. Call it "Require all replies to be approved?".
So when a user goes to reply to a particular thread with the mode enabled... the post will need to be quoted/replied to as per what the addon currently does before showing up.
I know that there is the Moderate Posts on a per-forum basis, but the one-off threads needing such a feature would be odd/bizarre to generate a new forum with a singular thread in it, let alone enabling moderate posts in an already active forum.
Something like that would likely be better to do as a separate add-on, to allow moderators to create threads in any forum whose replies are auto-added to the moderation queue.