Version: , by angeljs
Developer Last Online: Jun 2022
Version: Unknown
Released: 12-31-2014
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
I've been having problems for some time with a lot of games not submitting and have thought they were just faulty games and deleted them. However, now even games that have submitted scores previously, are now submitting zero points. I've turned on debugging after a suggestion elsewhere, but no error messages are showing up, even with games that are still submitting zero points.
I'm using vBulletin 4.4.2 Patch Level 3
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The first thing to check is the see if you have the index.php save score code ??
Its the code from the INFO - vbadvanced or another Portal text file that comes with the arcade..
A lot of games save score to index.php instead of arcade.php..The code in the text file will help..
Every time we update vb,,we over write the index.php file and people forget to add it back..
stangger5 has just looked into this very issue for me on my site and is dead on with what he is saying. I have found that uninstalling games with this issue and reinstalling them has fixed this.
As stangger5 stated to me that some games on my site still show "0" and could be due to the game itself having the issue.
Fixes applies, index.php definitely edited correctly as some games submit but others previously okay do not. I don't really want to re-install games as this will delete their old scores, won't it?
For some reason my game data files are being deleted randomly.... not sure why but, I am now down to 12 gamedata files with 8979 games installed.
I am finding that uploading just the gamedata files per game will allow me to get a score on a game that I was getting zero on but, the gamedata file self deletes a few days later....
Have you installed all fixes for that version not the line in the config that many do. Link in my sig if you need it
You do not need to do the edits you are showing there. All you need to do is add the define('SKIP_DS_ERRORS', true); line to the includes/config.php file. This turns off the extra error reporting in php 5.3 & 5.4 (for strict & deprecated warnings), but will allow other important errors to show. That is for anything below 4.2.3
That will sort the issues you point out: packages\vbforum\item
Editing the class_core.php file doesn't cover up errors though. It changes the vBulletin Error Handler so it doesn't catch warnings, notices, or deprecated notices. These will still be properly logged in your php error log but if they are not displayed on the screen there is no adverse affect on the application because they are informational not errors.
As for this one: clientscript\yui\uploader\assets
That is already add into v4.2.2 pl2 and beyond, so no need for that anymore.
It seems a little buggy when you install a lot of games or when you delete a game..
If you install one game at a time and never delete any games,,it seems to work fine..
When you delete a game,,it does something to the gamedata files..
Looks like it deletes more than it should..(sometimes)
Try not to delete any games..If you have a game that doesnt score right,,try unzipping the game.tar zip and just upload the gamedata folder..