Go to Admin CP | Languages & Phrases | Search in Phrases
Find: Varname $vbphrase[newuser], Text "There is a new user, $username at $vboptions[bbtitle]"
Click on Edit this phrase
Version for 4.1.4
There is a new user, $username at $vboptions[bbtitle]
View member profile: $memberlink
Check IP location in Melissa: http://www.melissadata.com/lookups/iplocation.asp?ipaddress=$ipaddress
Check for Spam (email): http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=$email
Check for Spam (name): http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=$username
Check for Spam (IP): http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=$ipaddress
Delete this User: $vboptions[bburl]/admincp/user.php?do=remove&u=$userid
Ban this user: $vboptions[bburl]/modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&u=$userid
Email Address : $email
Birthday : $birthday
Referrer: $referrer
IP Address: $ipaddress
Click on Save
v1.02 Added links for IP check. Tested with 4.1.4
Note: Attached file includes instructions for both 3.8.x and 4.1.x prior to 4.1.4, as well as instructions for 4.1.4 and up.
Thanks for this mod. I was trying to come up with a way to do exactly this but it hadn't occurred to me to just modify the phrases! This is genius in its simplicity. Also very easy to modify to each Admin's personal taste.
For anyone who is not familiar with this mod, you'll want to go to AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options and put in an email address under "Email Address to Notify About New Members" to enable this feature. Then you will get an email for each user that registers.
I tried installing this but I couldn't find the phrase. I copied it from both the post above and from the readme and tried all the different search settings but still no luck.
excuse me.... but I'm new here XD.... a question... Do I have to change something in the options?
for example: http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=$email change where say "$email" or not???
I tried installing this but I couldn't find the phrase. I copied it from both the post above and from the readme and tried all the different search settings but still no luck.
excuse me.... but I'm new here XD.... a question... Do I have to change something in the options?
for example: http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=$email change where say "$email" or not???
excuse me... but I'm new
No, just enter the text as shown. $email is a variable so it will be automatically nreplaced by the actual email address when you receive the email.
Whilst this is a fabulous and essential admin tool (thank you very much), I've noticed that the field length for Check for Spam (name): is too short on occasions, specifically where the user name is quite long and therefore only looks up part of the registered user name. Strangely enough, when this occurs, and I select the full name and do a manual search, they are inevtably found to be spammers anyway, and therefore I immediately ban them. Maybe just a spammers MO, who knows? Could you please look to see if the field length could be increased and save me the copy and paste routine. Many thanks.