Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Many thanks:
All vBulletin experts. for their professional products and premium support. for their articles, mods [Thanks also to articles' authors & products' coders].
Paul M for his kind permission for using same scenario of his 'product debug info system'.
Name: Advanced Quick Reply
Description: This product extends 'Quick Reply' functionality to allow all "Advanced Editor mode" options [ All Built-In BBCodes / Smilie Box / Smilie Menu / Attachments ] (with full control from AdminCP).
How it works:
Adds functionality of the full editor to the quick reply [ All Built-In BBCodes / Smilie Box / Smilie Menu / Attachments / Thread Management Tools ] - [ 5 In 1 ].
This product is totally different from other similar products, it doesn't depend on any other codes and doesn't fake vBulletin telling it that this editor is advanced reply not quick one, it leaves every thing as default but extends 'quick reply' functionality by having it's own independant code.
It adds all allowed buil-in bbcodes buttons to the quick reply editor (with full control).
It adds fully functional Attachments options in quick reply [Fully Functional (can control attachments in the quick reply as you do in the advanced editor mode, you also have the drop down menu button in the editor itself contains all attached files to embed them if you like in post with the [attach] bbcode as usual) ||| Fully Ajaxified (Yes, it's supports all vBulletin AJAXY functions in addition to rebuilding quick reply attachments' options after posting quick reply) ].
It adds thread management options to control the thread from the quick reply itself ( Open / Close / Stick / Un-Stick ), if management action taken from the quick reply the product will rebuild all related data within that thread on fly (dynamically), that's means if you chosen to close that thread it will close it & change the phrase "Close this thread after you submit your message" to "Re-open this thread after you submit your message" & "Close Thread" (in the moderation tools) to "Open Thread" & change the reply button to "threadclosed.gif" image, the product acts this way with all management options also (opening / sticking / un-sticking).
After submitting the quick reply, the product auto 'un-check' the checked check boxes & rebuild the attachment list & do appropriate actions related to the actions selected dynamically/instantly without reloading.
Specific Features:
Can enable/disable product globally. v1.0.0
Can select which Built-in BB Code Tags (enabled buttons). v1.0.0
Can display full functional SmilieBox. v1.0.0
Can display full functional SmilieMenu. v1.0.0
Can set "SmilieBox Total Smilies" for this editor alone (Doesn't depend on default system settings for advanced reply). v1.0.0
Can set "SmilieBox Smilies Per Row" for 'Quick Reply' editor alone. v1.0.0
Can set "SmilieMenu Total Smilies" for 'Quick Reply' editor alone. v1.0.0
Can display SmilieBox under the editor rather than beside it. v1.0.0
Can determine which width is better, the default message box width or the 100% extended width. v1.0.0
Can "Display Cut/Copy/Paste Buttons" (On/Off). v1.5.0
Can "Display Undo/Redo Buttons" (On/Off). v1.5.0
Can "Display Extra Buttons" (On/Off). v1.5.0
Can determine default "Message box Height". v1.5.0
Can activate "Attachments" in quick reply. v1.5.0
Can display "Thread Management Options" (On/Off). v1.5.0
Can display "Disable Smilies option" (On/Off). v1.5.0
Can "Hide Attachments' Extensions" (On/Off). v1.5.1
Can "Hide Default Quick Reply Options" (On/Off). v1.5.1
Can "Collapse Advanced Quick Reply by default" (On/Off). v2.0.0
v1.5.1 01/07/2008 09:00 PM (EEST): Public Maintenance Release.
Optimizing AJAX Code (And Fixing some bugs when some features are disabled).
Disabling some features by default (Activation as normal from AminCP - We just turn it off by default but not terminating or deleting it). These features are [ Allow attachments / Display Thread Management Options / Display "Disable Smilies" option ].
Two new options [ Hide Attachments' Extensions (On/Off) / Hide Default Quick Reply Options (On/Off) ].
v2.0.0 26/07/2008 03:03 PM (EEST): Second public huge update (Second Generation).
Re-writing ~ the whole product's code.
Optimizing/fixing minnor bugs in the whole product's code.
Minimizing JavaScript file edits to just one tiny edit & separating all required JavaScript Code in a new compressed file.
Changing settinggroup varname from 'phpkd_aqr_bbcode' to 'phpkd_aqr'.
Re-writing all boolean settings in a new manner depending on bitfields.
Re-building all boolean settings related phrases.
Adding md5 sum check.
Beautifying product's code.
Optimizing product's code as a whole.
Developing the debugging tools which help resolving problems by tracking product's info.
Adding forums permissions (per forum on/off switch).
Adding "Exclude Users" permissions (can exclude users from using product).
Adding "Collapse Advanced Quick Reply by default" feature.
Supported languages of this product are available as a translated products not as language files, the product's folder contains sub folders for languages, each one has the full package in that particular language (ie: English, Arabic ..).
This product is supposed to work with vBulletin 3.5.x & 3.6.x series, but we don't support versions prior 3.7.x series, Just 3.7.x Stable series!
Installing this product will automatically uninstall the first version of this product (1.0.x & 1.1.x series) with the different product ID ('phpkd_full_quickreply').
Files Tree:
Lang Name (i.e: English, Arabic ..)
Screenshots ...
Screen Shots:
Available down there.
Technical Notes:
New Files:3
File Edits:1 (JS)
New Templates:4
Template Edits:0
Auo Template Edits:11
New Database Tables:0
Database Alterations:2
New Phrases:37
New Options:9
Cron Jops:0
Installation Procedure:
Upload the required files to it's appropriated places:
Import the product file from your AdminCP (If upgrading "Allow Overwrite").
Caution: If you are going to activate any of the following options [ Attachments / Thread Management Tools / Disable Smilies Check box ] then you should do the following Required JS file edit. This JS file edit is Required Only if you are going to activate any of the mentioned options, otherwise you haven't to do it. This Edit Adds the AJAX functionality to process required actions dynamically on fly.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Note that there is two methods to edit the vbulletin_quick_reply.js file.
One for people who use the COMPRESSED JavaScript file version and the other for people who use the UNCOMPRESSED version. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Be sure to proceed with the right method according to your use! *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- Open the COMPRESSED version of clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js file and search in it for the following code:
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- Then put the following code after it directly IN THE SAME LINE:
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- To be as follow:
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
Done. Save & re-upload the modified file (Allow over-write).
------------------- For the COMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- Open the UNCOMPRESSED version of clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js file and search in it for the following code:
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- Then put the following code under it directly:
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
[::-- To be as follow:
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
Done. Save & re-upload the modified file (Allow over-write).
------------------- For the UNCOMPRESSED version -------------------
Done .
Upgrade Procedure:
Un-do any previous file edits done for this product (It's better to restore the default vBulletin files).
Follow the installation procedure for this version.
I'm getting double posts now for some reason. Seemed ok last night when I installed it. But today on another computer every time I post it duplicates it and I have to remove it.
I'm getting double posts now for some reason. Seemed ok last night when I installed it. But today on another computer every time I post it duplicates it and I have to remove it.
Curious of anyone ever got this working as a replacement for the regular editor? I really like it better then the normal editor in 3.8 in a full reply or new thread...