I have no idea what you are talking about. An image would really, really help out.
I am utterly lost as to what you want from me. I posted an image in my original post. It has a black background. There are three textual clauses in the image (in white/grey) and a series of small grey/white boxes. There are not multiple boxes, so it's not like I am making reference to an image full of boxes and being vague as to which one I am referring to. There is a solitary series of identical boxes so I do not see where your apparent confusion arises as I am referring to an image, that I posted in my original post, with only one type of "box."
I will post it again:
Moreover, assuming that for some reason you cannot see it, the boxes I refer to appear on memberlist.php to the immediate right of "Filter Results" and further, they are they the blocks that form the background of the letters used to dilineate which alphabet letter the user wishes to look at on the memberlist.
I'm sorry, but whatever image you think you are posting is not there. I just looked at your post, and it's an image from your site (I would guess) and I have no permission to see images there, so there is nothing showing up here. Can you either attach it here or upload it to some site that people can see?
I'm sorry, but whatever image you think you are posting is not there. I just looked at your post, and it's an image from your site (I would guess) and I have no permission to see images there, so there is nothing showing up here. Can you either attach it here or upload it to some site that people can see?