I run a community forum off of a blog that's called PshKABOOM.com and I'm just looking for a very simple design that's 209x85. Any help would be nice. And I'm also looking for some "This forum contains old/new posts" icons.
I can create you a unique logo based on the content of your page. Also I have some interesting old/new post icon. I you want further info, contact me via pm. Thank you!
If you have something to offer, why not just post it in this thread?
Nice idea. But ok. I just wanted to tell what he wants. I love drawing logos. I will offer it only to him/her, so I do not want to publish it and spread it's usage to all current thread viewer. Is that enough?
PS Offers to perform a free request in PM, make us think that you will be charging for it. If it is done for free then it can be done in public please.