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This is a how to on putting a dizzler player on your site in a popup window.
i have searched high and low for a player to do what i want and this is the only thing that comes close. not only does it play music from a auto play feature but it will also play videos. and has a search field that you can type in any artist to search for your favorite music/videos. the game and radio feature only works on desktop but my members don't even bother with those since they can search for there own music or videos. i have set this up as a link on my navbar and it opens up in it's own window so members can listen to there music while searching my forums or in the arcade. DEMO just look on the navbar and click on the link that says dizzler music. 1st. you will want to open some sort of editor and insert the code from below. (follow the steps carefully). Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><BODY BACKGROUND="http://THE URL FOR YOUR BACKGROUND IMAGE GOES HERE"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>The Dizzler Player</title> </head> <body> <hr> PUT YOUR DIZZLER EMBEDDED CODE HERE <hr> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="3" width="100%" align="center" BODY BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <td class="thead" align="center"><FONT SIZE=5><b><u>How To Use The Dizzler</u></b></FONT></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt1" align="center" BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> The First Thing to do is to forget the radio and game button on the player, these only work on your computer.<br /><hr /> To listen to music all you have to do is click on the music button and choose the playlist and listen to stored music on the player<br /> or type in the search field your favorite artist and pick your favorite song.<br /><hr /> Next to watch a video all you have to do is hit the video button and choose favorite and select to watch one of the stored videos on the player<br /> or again type in what you want to see in the search field and find what you want. you can also watch music videos this way.<br /><hr /> Thank You, Hope you enjoy... </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> 2nd. you will want to go to and create an account for free, go to my profile and setup how you want the player to look and to get your embedded code. you can also add your favorite music from here or wait until you have it embedded into your site to setup. insert the embedded code in the correct area in your text editor. 3RD. you will want to upload the file to your forum root directory. rename the file ext. to php. (example dizzler.php) 4th. get the url for your php file you just created. it should be hXXp://your (caution: always backup your template before editing it, this way you can always go back to the way it was before if you make a mistake.) 5th. you will want to enter your admin cp>>>> styles & templates>>>> style manager>>>> from the drop down menu choose edit templates>>>> navigation/breadcrumb templates>>>> navbar find <!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info --> and above this paste from below: Code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Idea by: Nic Wolfe --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Begin function popUp(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,width=655,height=800,left = 152.5,top = 62');"); } // End --> </script> 6th. stay in your navbar template and find </if> <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td> and after this paste from below: Code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><A HREF="javascript:popUp('http://your')">Dizzler<br>Music</A></td> ![]() Show Your Support
Comments |
great .. but can i add the music i want link arabic music ?
Iap you can. Search music and click on right side on the heart and it will be saved in your playlists.
Nice mod. Installed ![]() |
Sorry I am kinda new with this whole thing, I get this in the pop-up
404 - Not Found The page you are trying to access does not exist. If this error persists, please contact the website webmaster. If you are the webmaster of this site make sure that: * You have uploaded correctly your files to the public_html directory which is the web-root of your account; * You have not misspelled the URL. Bear in mind that letters are case sensitive and no white spaces are recommended; * In case you have applied SEO - SEF URL rewriting rules, make sure you have re-named the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. If there is already a non-empty .htaccess file read it and make sure the necessary rules are un-commented. Edit:Nevermind, sorry like I said I'm kinda new with this thing. |
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This works great with VB4 as well:
Download vBH-Add new tabs Find </div><!-- closing div for above_body --> in navbar and paste code from step 5 (skip step 6) Admincp->Settings->Options->vBH New Tabs and add new line: Music|javascript ![]() Change Music to Radio, Streams or whatever. |
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