Version: 1.00, by UKBusinessLive
Developer Last Online: Feb 2012
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.7.5
Released: 01-13-2009
Last Update: Never
Installs: 5
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
UKBL ~ Virtual Admin for your Forums
What a suprise i have for you guys, A completely free Virtual Admin for your Forums
Normally website owners have a to a tidy fortune to have one of these guys on their site, but now, all vbulletin owners can have one FREE
You can telephone your account and speak what you you want your Virtual Admin to say, Now you'll be able to "Tell" your guests to sign up!! How cool is that.
To get your free account for a free Site pal with nothing at all to pay, you need to sign up to The Webmasters Content site.
Once you've joined go to Web tools, and in the bottom right hand corner you will see a link like this
* Speaking Characters
Create animated characters for your site.
Click here and your in to your SitePal Speaking Character mode
Here you can get...
Enhance the User Experience ~ Greet your visitors, provide them with information and direct them to the right place on your site.
Increase Sales ~ Nothing beats a spoken call to action!
Fully Customizable ~ SitePal's editor makes it easy and fun to design your own character.
Dynamic Audio Recording ~ SitePal's Record-by-Phone feature makes creating your character's audio as easy as leaving a voicemail. Premium packages allow you to type what the character speaks.
Full Instructions to how to get started with Site pal is in the Zip File
When you've made your Virtual Admin, You can load the file (Javascript is the cleanest) directly to the bottom of your header template, You can set the viewing to just once when you sit up your admin, This means that registered users will noy have to keep seeing this everytime they login or perhaps a simple conditional (Below) will keep it for un-registered members only.
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 1">
Don't forget to ad the </if> to the end
Basically the finished script with the conditional would look something like this
Installing it now, so basically you can create your own animated welcome message?
Yes you can but the free version only has a limited amount of showings, (150 per month) your best bet would be to use it to gain new members, but giving them an insight to your site. You'd have to have a conditional that only shows to unregistered users.
Hopefully you should gain a few decent sign ups each month, if less than a quarter sign up as a result then thats still 30+ new members every month