can i set up a forum along side my existing one for testing modifications etc before implamenting them on my main forum is this allowed under the vb licence agreement or would i be in breech of rules.
If you have a valid Software license, you may set up an additional test forum in order to test code, template and database modifications. To make this clear to us and our license verification procedures, place it in a directory called 'testvb' and be sure to password protect it. It must not be accessible by the general public.
If you have a valid Software license, you may set up an additional test forum in order to test code, template and database modifications. To make this clear to us and our license verification procedures, place it in a directory called 'testvb' and be sure to password protect it. It must not be accessible by the general public.
Ok I understand that, but what I am saying is I don't want my forum on the test board because I dont want to test it out on my current site forums, I would rather make the sub-domain then upload 3.7 onto that and test out stuff.
Yes u can....Thats what i do with my site more better is i moved my Databse to test site so i can make sure if anything is messed up so i can take some two three users to there for make sure things are working.