More replies below current depth
I've come across an issue that I'm wondering if there is a "fix" for. Doing a Google search I find that a lot of vBulletin installations experience the same issue. When viewing in THREADED or HYBRID mode, in threads that exceed the setting to view, you will get a link "more replies below current depth". One would expect to click on that link and be taken to the messages "under" it, but it doesn't change you viewing mode. For example, if you are in THREADED mode, change to HYBRID mode and suddenly these links work as expected. Same if you are in HYBRID mode, change to THREADED mode and it will work. From my testing, it doesn't matter what mode you start in and what mode you change to. It doesn't work until you change modes and you can change modes to anything to get it to work. Does anyone have any advice? (other than setting the thread depth very deep to avoid getting this message altogether) TIA - Kim