vBulletin's standard option is to hide members' last online date when they've chosen invisible mode, though when viewing a mod here, There's a label says "Developer Last Online: Oct 2007"
I can see that removing specific date and hour could make it more private, But I still see that label should completely disappear.
i think that the point is not to indicate if the guy was online lately but to see if the developper of the hack is updating his presence as a supporter of his releases... if you are absent for the last 4 months, i suppose you do not support your stuff...
If I were a coder, I'd rather users use the search option and see the last post was made by me if someone wants to make sure of my presence/support than publishing something I've chosen to be private.
If I were a coder, I'd rather users use the search option and see the last post was made by me if someone wants to make sure of my presence/support than publishing something I've chosen to be private.
And how can they tell that if you decide not to post when you were online, or the like? You're relying on being able to post at just the right time for others to find out when you were last online.
Originally Posted by Dean C
I agree with Mazinger. I see it as an invasion of privacy
Sounds like something I hear mostly from free board hosts (*cough*Proboards*cough*). The 'invasion of privacy' argument for every single thing that is even remotely seen like so by someone (who's viewing a topic, board, online, what they voted...) No real comment on this front, just I don't like this type of argument much.