Added extra field to 'user' table, can't get variable to show on 'memberinfo' templat
I've added an extra database field to the 'user' table that I'd like to use on the 'memberinfo' template but I just can't get the variable to display. I suspect I'm either going about it the wrong way or using the wrong variable.
Do I need to create a plugin or anything to tell vB to read that value from the databse for that user or does it automatically retreive all fields in the 'user'table when showing the 'memberinfo' template for a user?
A different table (it was originally going to be a different database but giving my idea more thought I think the best way forward is to create an extra tables in the forum database rather than a seperate database).
There is little point in creating a new table unless you are adding a lot of fields, your original post seemed to suggest just one, you could simply add that to the user table, the usertextfield table, or even just create a custom userfield via the ACP.