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Old 08-01-2007, 01:48 AM
consolegaming consolegaming is offline
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Default Registration/Activation Process

Hi, basically we're coding a website to run alongside a vBulletin forum and are using vB for all the user information etc and we're basically trying to come up with our own registration script.

We know how to code with php, html and how to work with databases etc so that's not the issue but I'm simply trying to find out what tables the vB registration script inserts data to at the time of registration and then again at the time of activation so that we can duplicate this effect with our own scripts.

i.e. We're well aware a row gets inserted into the user table and they're usergroupid is the unactivated usergroup. But I am aware there are multiple tables that concern users and obviously want to duplicate the effect properly so as to not screw up any information.

If any help could be given on listing the appropriate steps for both the registration and activation process. I.e. which tables require data inserting to, and any particular fields which may be crucial to the overall process.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 08-01-2007, 06:09 AM
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If you're using PHP, simply use the User Datamanager. There should be a tutorial in the articles section.
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Old 08-01-2007, 09:35 PM
consolegaming consolegaming is offline
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From what I've looked into the solution you suggested I would need to include global.php for it to work. Which would mean if I use that in my header on the site then the site will be inaccessible whenever someone receives a temporary suspension which is unacceptable really. Correct me if I'm wrong on the above but from the testing I've done using global.php makes the pages you use it on unaccessible if the forum is closed or as I said above even if the person is temporarily suspended.

Except for permanent bans I'd like to keep our site and forum banning systems separate. If there's a way to do what you suggested without global.php then feel free to suggest but as far as I know there isn't which was the main reason I was asking about the steps that are taken during the registration/activation processes so that we can best produce them without the limitations of using global.php
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Old 08-02-2007, 06:24 AM
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Why don't you just take a look at how the register process works in register.php?
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Old 08-02-2007, 02:06 PM
consolegaming consolegaming is offline
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It's not exactly the easiest of scripts to follow lol. I'll give it a go though, had hoped someone would just know which tables have rows inserted to them though lol.

So far I've found:

user has a row inserted, usergroupid is the unactivated group in my case 3, pass is encrypted as to be expected,

useractivation seems to have a row inserted - though I'm not sure what is done with this table - does the row get removed once the user is activated? does usergroupid store the user group the user is to become once activated? and what is activation id? is that the activation code that gets emailed out or? if so how is that generated as the lengths seem to be various lengths. If it's not the activation code where is it stored.

It looks like userfield and usertextfield also get tables before activation takes place. Do any values in these fields get altered after activation too? I doubt it but thought i'd ask.


Is there a way through plugin/s to make it avoid the closed forum check/suspended user check for certain urls i.e. anything non forum or would I need to manually alter the php files? and if so would that cause any issues for upgrading the forum in future.
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Old 08-05-2007, 02:17 PM
consolegaming consolegaming is offline
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Originally Posted by consolegaming View Post
user has a row inserted, usergroupid is the unactivated group in my case 3, pass is encrypted as to be expected,

useractivation seems to have a row inserted - though I'm not sure what is done with this table - does the row get removed once the user is activated? does usergroupid store the user group the user is to become once activated? and what is activation id? is that the activation code that gets emailed out or? if so how is that generated as the lengths seem to be various lengths. If it's not the activation code where is it stored.

It looks like userfield and usertextfield also get tables before activation takes place. Do any values in these fields get altered after activation too? I doubt it but thought i'd ask.
If anyone could answer the questions I pinpointed in that section of my last post it'd be well appreciated and would help me greatly in being able to reproduce the effect that registering and activating has on the user in the db.
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