Version: , by Digital Jedi
Developer Last Online: Sep 2023
Version: Unknown
Released: 07-29-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
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The line of text you add to the postbit and posbit_legacy templates, $post[crown]$post[champtext], to create they list of games the user has championed in his post, are a nice feature. But as they are, they don't quite gel with look of our forum. I'd like to tweak the look just a hair. Minor really, but I cannot find where to go to do this anywhere. I assumed they were phrases, but they are not in the language file. Any idea where I can go to change this?
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The line of text you add to the postbit and posbit_legacy templates, $post[crown]$post[champtext], to create they list of games the user has championed in his post, are a nice feature. But as they are, they don't quite gel with look of our forum. I'd like to tweak the look just a hair. Minor really, but I cannot find where to go to do this anywhere. I assumed they were phrases, but they are not in the language file. Any idea where I can go to change this?
I am not sure exactly what you want to do, but IBPA has an option for editing this in the vB admincp. In your vB admincp, go to Arcade/Arcade Main Settings/ and scroll down to Show Highscores in Postbitsaves [ ]yes [ ]no Show Tournaments won in Postbitsaves [ ]yes [ ]no Postbit Display Style [Standard, Horizontal marquee, Vertical marquee, Icons only or Trophy only]
Selecting 'no in the first two will disable the IBPA postbit. Select yes on both or either to enable the Postbit display style. They are self explanatory and you can select the one that is best for you. I just use 'Icons only. Hope that helps.
Actually, what I was hoping was to go a bit deeper then that. The way it currently displays things, it does so rather cramped. Everything is either buttressed up against each other or it's listed in it's entirety. It seems minor, but I'm trying to go for as smooth a visual integration as possible, and I fear I've already cluttered up the postbit too much as it is. Here, I'll Photoshop what I was trying to go for.
On the left is what we have, in scrolling marquee form.
And on the right is the Photoshoped version of what I'm hoping to do. I can accomplish this with a transparent table, I just need to know where to go to edit the actual layout of the thumb vs text.
I like the Thumbs Only layout, but would prefer if I could marquee it. I'd just like to find the source of what makes that display, so I could tinker around and see what I like more. Thank you anyway, though. I still appreciate it. :up:
Er, come to think of it, as long as I'm on the subject, there is something else related to this I'm not sure how to do. Is their a conditional I can add to this code to hide the empty box when their are no scores to display? My skin uses "div class=info" for the posbit elements, so when we're just told to add a line of code, with no conditional information, we end up with lot of flat empty boxes for folks with no information to display.
Er, come to think of it, as long as I'm on the subject, there is something else related to this I'm not sure how to do. Is their a conditional I can add to this code to hide the empty box when their are no scores to display? My skin uses "div class=info" for the posbit elements, so when we're just told to add a line of code, with no conditional information, we end up with lot of flat empty boxes for folks with no information to display.
Well, my question was answered in the other thread, but in case anyone was wondering about the second part, I simply added <if condition="$crowns"></if> around the <div class="info">$post[crowns]$post[champtext]</div> tags, and that concealed the boxes for users with no game data. Maybe someone will find that useful.