Was just woundering if there was a directory type of hack out? Were you can set up a page for people to add there own links to there own sites, with a little description etc..?
Yep, this mod will do that for you...I've been running it for quite some time now and have been pleased with it. It's very powerful and can do lots of things.
Yep, this mod will do that for you...I've been running it for quite some time now and have been pleased with it. It's very powerful and can do lots of things.
Is there anything besides this mod? I don't need all the other features, rather just a links directory where users can enter their own links/descriptions.
I too am looking for something a little more like http://www.linkautomate.com. I want it to be able to track if someone has linked back to you, traffic, email them if the link goes down, etc.