Hello I am using VBulletin on the
www.loveandrespect.com website. Our forum link is
www.loveandrespect.com/vbulletin/index.php. We have several other features on this site and we offer member sign up, at which point the user can register for free or they can pay for access to more resources on the site. I need to have the members added to the VBulletin member database when they register through our web form (
http://www.loveandrespect.com/layout...signupForm.php). Also, if they join as a paid member, they would go into the VBulletin database under the member group 'Registered Users'. On the other hand, if they join as a free member, they would be under the member group 'Level 1 Users'. If you could help me out with getting this set up I would greatly appreciate it. VBulletin's support was unable to help me because they said this requires a hack. Thank you in advance for any help!