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Old 07-06-2006, 11:11 PM
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Default a few questions

1) I would like to make some pm storage bigger. how do I do this?

2) Some handles that I ban just get back in how are they doing this and what do I do to stop them. surely I can't be the first to go through that.

3) what about these threats that I have recieved and read on other boards where they claim they can attack my board is there any truth to them? some people have nothing better to do with there time then cause trouble.

1) threat

ok, how about the URL?

Do I hear .... server crash?

2nd threat

I have whats called a hotwire to Invision for your ULR which lets me log in any time I want on your admin
LOL,,I'd change all your pass words and post all your Pm's ,,,but I'm really a nice guy so I won't
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Old 07-06-2006, 11:26 PM
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You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (vB-germany users click here) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive. The update of your account may take up to one hour.

Thank you.
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Old 07-06-2006, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Princeton

You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (vB-germany users click here) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive. The update of your account may take up to one hour.

Thank you.
I assure you I am licensed but i will do as you asked. It is just one hassle after another. I got this board 2 months ago and has taken me that long to even get on this site. 1/2 step forward and 2 back.

ok your request is all done.
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Old 07-07-2006, 12:33 AM
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1) Usergroup settings for whatever usergroup you'd like to increase PM storage on.

AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> (pick a usergroup) -> Private Message Permissions -> Maximum Stored Messages.

2) Ban them by IP address. You can see their IP by viewing their user profile in the control panel. Make sure to ban the EXACT IP, not a partial, otherwise you will risk inadvertently banning other users.

AdminCP -> vBulletin Options - > User Banning Options -> Banned IP Addresses.

Additionally, you might want to check out the Miserable Users Hack, as well as the Multi Login Detector.

3) Looks like someone's having fun with your home PC, unless you're using the same exact login everywhere. The first thing you should do is change all of your passwords, and make them unique so that whoever edited your post here can't do it again.

As far as the couple of hoops to jump through to be able to post here, you'll come to find them well worth it. The coders here put a LOT of time and effort into the development of the hacks/mods here. One thing that it does is protect them (as much as can be) from pirated vBulletin users downloading and using their hard work on boards that they didn't buy a license for.
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Old 07-07-2006, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Chris-777
1) Usergroup settings for whatever usergroup you'd like to increase PM storage on.

AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> (pick a usergroup) -> Private Message Permissions -> Maximum Stored Messages.

2) Ban them by IP address. You can see their IP by viewing their user profile in the control panel. Make sure to ban the EXACT IP, not a partial, otherwise you will risk inadvertently banning other users.

AdminCP -> vBulletin Options - > User Banning Options -> Banned IP Addresses.

Additionally, you might want to check out the Miserable Users Hack, as well as the Multi Login Detector.

3) Looks like someone's having fun with your home PC, unless you're using the same exact login everywhere. The first thing you should do is change all of your passwords, and make them unique so that whoever edited your post here can't do it again.

As far as the couple of hoops to jump through to be able to post here, you'll come to find them well worth it. The coders here put a LOT of time and effort into the development of the hacks/mods here. One thing that it does is protect them (as much as can be) from pirated vBulletin users downloading and using their hard work on boards that they didn't buy a license for.
Thank you Chris for your kind reply. I installed the miserable users hack. not sure I really understand it yet but I guess it will take time. what exactly will it do? as for the multi log in I dont know if that is a problem or not. I have 2 handles on my own board and need to be logged into them at the same time so I dont want to keep my own self off my board! LOL. I have a reg handle and then of course the admin handle. plus it didnt seem easy to install sometimes these things take a few times to look at before getting.

I assure you I have a license. I am not a scammer. I was refered here cause the bulletin team couldnt answer all my help questions. I really look forward to getting to know some computer whiz folks. Thanks again for all your kind help.
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Old 07-07-2006, 01:32 AM
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The miserable user's hack will allow you to setup a usergroup called miserable users. If you look in the settings, you can do things like make the pages take longer to load, make them just get a white screen once in awhile, etc. Be VERY careful when you use it, because if you end up assigning the wrong group as "miserable", you can make your regular users really not want to visit your site.

Once you have your miserable-settings in place (read up on the thread/files on what everything does), you basically assign users to that usergroup and they become miserable. Forum permissions are VERY important here, because you're creating a whole new group.

Honestly for the time being, I'd leave the hack installed but come back to it in a couple of weeks when you're a little more comfortable with vBulletin, because it does take a decent bit of know-how to get running properly.

Next part.

The AE detector will just post a thread in a private forum telling you that two users have the same login. You can set admins/mods to be exempt from it, but it won't harm your account. It's just to let you know what's up. Here's a screenshot of it running on my forums:


Why it's useful, is not only does it tell you who has multiple accounts, it can also help if you've banned someone and they do what most banned people do - just reregister. Keep in mind that sometimes people live with other people that visit your site, so after awhile you'll get used to knowing who shares a computer with another (valid) member of your board.


The license thing here is just something everyone has to verify one time and then you're golden. Like I said in another thread, some of the coders here have spent HUNDREDS of hours developing mods and add-ons for vBulletin for nothing more than a hearty Thank-You from people like you and I. Validating your license is one way of keeping people who run pirate versions of vBulletin from being able to take advantage of their hard work and get free mods for the software that they essentially are stealing from Jelsoft. Believe me, it's well worth it, because being able to post in the forums here is somewhat of a privelage and as a result of the validation stuff, the forums here are a lot more useful than an open-to-everyone type of place where you'd have 100 people logging in asking the same damn question 200 times in a row.

Basically the community here is awesome, and the fact that we jump through those hoops in the beginning helps a bit to keep it that way. Nobody thinks you're a scammer or anything like that, so don't worry about it.
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Old 07-07-2006, 01:33 AM
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Are these threats that you've received personally, or some that you've read that others have received? Also, if you've received them, were they on any of your boards and if so, have you logged any of their IP addresses?
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Old 07-07-2006, 01:34 AM
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Last, regarding this "threat":

ok, how about the URL?

Do I hear .... server crash?

2nd threat

I have whats called a hotwire to Invision for your ULR which lets me log in any time I want on your admin
LOL,,I'd change all your pass words and post all your Pm's ,,,but I'm really a nice guy so I won't
You don't run Invision anymore, so don't worry about it. Just keep your passwords changed regularly, don't share them, and keep your server clean and you shouldn't have any problems. If you're ever unsure about anything, just post up here and someone will no doubt chime in and help you out.

Edit: Bah, Christian and his ninja-like posting skills got in before my automerge!
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Old 07-07-2006, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Chris-777
Last, regarding this "threat":

You don't run Invision anymore, so don't worry about it. Just keep your passwords changed regularly, don't share them, and keep your server clean and you shouldn't have any problems. If you're ever unsure about anything, just post up here and someone will no doubt chime in and help you out.

Edit: Bah, Christian and his ninja-like posting skills got in before my automerge!
my web desinger has my password but he has to to set my board up and make changes. what do you mean keep your sever clean?

thank you it is so nice to be getting some help.

Originally Posted by christianb
Are these threats that you've received personally, or some that you've read that others have received? Also, if you've received them, were they on any of your boards and if so, have you logged any of their IP addresses?
yes I have one guys IP address who is a known trouble maker on many boards. The threats where made on another board, a board that is known for bad guys and they started a thread talking about my board and that is where i read the threats. I wouldnt doubt them for one minute as they are idiots who are known to cause mischief. the one IP had 15 handles on my board so I blocked the Ip now I am getting proxies. so not sure how to recognise all the proxies as I dont want to block any innocent people from my board either. see some cities all have the same Ip addresses so a few bad folks can ruin it for many. I dont know what I can do with an IP anyways there is no way of finding out the persons name or telephone number? If I was able to let him know that I knew his real name that might stop him a little bit maybe. It is so easy to be jerks when they are hiding behind annoymous handles.

Originally Posted by Chris-777
The miserable user's hack will allow you to setup a usergroup called miserable users. If you look in the settings, you can do things like make the pages take longer to load, make them just get a white screen once in awhile, etc. Be VERY careful when you use it, because if you end up assigning the wrong group as "miserable", you can make your regular users really not want to visit your site.

Once you have your miserable-settings in place (read up on the thread/files on what everything does), you basically assign users to that usergroup and they become miserable. Forum permissions are VERY important here, because you're creating a whole new group.

Honestly for the time being, I'd leave the hack installed but come back to it in a couple of weeks when you're a little more comfortable with vBulletin, because it does take a decent bit of know-how to get running properly.

Next part.

The AE detector will just post a thread in a private forum telling you that two users have the same login. You can set admins/mods to be exempt from it, but it won't harm your account. It's just to let you know what's up. Here's a screenshot of it running on my forums:


Why it's useful, is not only does it tell you who has multiple accounts, it can also help if you've banned someone and they do what most banned people do - just reregister. Keep in mind that sometimes people live with other people that visit your site, so after awhile you'll get used to knowing who shares a computer with another (valid) member of your board.


The license thing here is just something everyone has to verify one time and then you're golden. Like I said in another thread, some of the coders here have spent HUNDREDS of hours developing mods and add-ons for vBulletin for nothing more than a hearty Thank-You from people like you and I. Validating your license is one way of keeping people who run pirate versions of vBulletin from being able to take advantage of their hard work and get free mods for the software that they essentially are stealing from Jelsoft. Believe me, it's well worth it, because being able to post in the forums here is somewhat of a privelage and as a result of the validation stuff, the forums here are a lot more useful than an open-to-everyone type of place where you'd have 100 people logging in asking the same damn question 200 times in a row.

Basically the community here is awesome, and the fact that we jump through those hoops in the beginning helps a bit to keep it that way. Nobody thinks you're a scammer or anything like that, so don't worry about it.
I couldnt get the double user thing to download. and if I do download those things that doesnt mean I can work them. ha ha ha. oh my goodness I wish I had some one here! this may take another 20 posts! I recall the first time I was shown a board last fall and it was crazy now I can zip around most boards not to bad so hopefully this to will become easy too. Thanks for your patience.
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