What this does
This is a port of Brad's hack that can be found here. This will backup your database using the vBCron system in vBulletin and send the file to a directory that you specified in the vBulletin Options area.
This script invokes an outside process that runs in the backround on your server to backup and compress your database. It is important to remember that this is not an instant process, do not enter you ftp as soon as the script says it is done and try to download your backup. It will likely be incomplete and your server will probbly still be writting the file to disk.
I ussally give the process an hour or two before I mess with the file, larger databases will take more time of course.
To do list...
Time to install: 5 minutes
Queries to run: 0
File Mods: 0
Templates to edit: 0
Templates to add: 0
New Phrases: 5
New Plugins: 0
Thanks to Brad for allowing me to port this.
Testing Information
I've been using this for vBHackers.com since I first upgrade. I have all my backups being sent to a directory, outside of the public_html. I've yet to experiance any problems. I have had to use one of the backups before, and all worked well.
Product History
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - Public Released
Help & Support
Before asking for support, please make sure you have done all the necessary changes! If you still need support, please post a reply here and double check that you have clicked the Install Button. I will try to support this hack the best I can. Support is not guaranteed!
Please post any bugs and errors here. Hope you like it, feedback is always welcomed!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Forgive the nOObie question, but does this work using the same system as a SSH autobackup?
I have set-up a script, with a friends help on my server which takes care of my back-ups, but this hack could be useful for other site I work on where I don't have SSH access and can't set-up something similar to my system.
But I am very nervous of the AdminCP back-up system.
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [mysqldump --add-drop-table -h192.000.000.000 -uXXXXX -XXXXX XXXXX 2>/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006-error.txt >/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006.sql] in \includes\cron\databack.php on line 21
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [tar -cSz --remove-files -C/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX -f/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006.tar.gz 04-26-2006.sql 04-26-2006-error.txt] in \includes\cron\databack.php on line 26
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [mysqldump --add-drop-table -h192.000.000.000 -uXXXXX -XXXXX XXXXX 2>/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006-error.txt >/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006.sql] in \includes\cron\databack.php on line 21
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [tar -cSz --remove-files -C/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX -f/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX/04-26-2006.tar.gz 04-26-2006.sql 04-26-2006-error.txt] in \includes\cron\databack.php on line 26
The dir path to your forums is -C/XXXX/XXXX/forums.dacho.co.il/XXXX ??
I think it is -C/XXXX/XXXX/dacho.co.il/XXXX/forums