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Old 08-16-2003, 05:56 AM
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Default Beware of Ravio.com & Corey Wojen AKA c-pr0mpt

I am posting this here because I do not want to see anyone else get screwed as I and MANY others have. I feel bad that I didn't come out about this LONG ago but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and I know things can come up. Well, I got played for over a year now and have found lots of other people who have been beaten for much more than I lost.

Here are some of them and their comments:

It appears that Corey owes many thousands of dollars to people who paid up front (either partial or full) for design work that they never received. As always, Corey ignored and then strung them along.

Many of you may think this is an isolated incident but that can't be further from the truth. I started dealing with him back in late 2001 when he designed and installed my first forum. There was troubles and delays even back then but I passed it off as a young designer that was busy or whatever. 6 months later I contracted him to do my second forum, www.PWCRacer.com , which turned into a major problem. I paid him up front and he disappeared on me completely for almost a month, after saying it would be ready within a week or two at the most. I had a number of sponsors signed up for paid advertising and over half backed out when after a month beyond the advertised opening date, nothing was online.
To this date (over a year later), he still has not completed the work I paid for. Even worse, I finally got him to come by to upgrade our Gallery (PhotoPost) so that the credits will be included in the gallery again and he "crashed it" and has not fixed it yet. Of course he has been promising to for over a month.
My members just love it.. They are not happy after all the photos being taken for the state championships disappearing days after they were put up there.

Any way, before any of you consider buying skins, using him for custom work, or anything else, PLEASE do yourself a favor and read the threads in this link.. I do think Corey has real talent when it comes to desgin, but his customer service skills are non-existant and it looks like his eithics have now gone criminal.



PS. I noticed that a thread over at vb.com was closed when people were complaining about Ravio/Corey. I sure hope that won't be the case here. Everyone in the vB community should be concerned with his activities and the potential for new vB clients to get burned.
Old 08-16-2003, 07:24 AM
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Yes I think this is actually a very good thread.

When I first started with my copy of vB I knew nothing. I got the neXus skin and Emerge with install.

I got the skins but no install. Also the skin was all messed up nothing was right on it. Luckly one of my clan members helped me fix it. Today I could fix it on my own. But also now I wouldn't buy skins 1000 other people have.

EDIT: Also it seems he is over loading by readin thoes post.
Old 08-16-2003, 07:29 AM
kamu kamu is offline
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I'd suggest preparing a contract next time you go and give a complete stranger hundreds of dollars over the internet. Also, if you payed via paypal, copy the receipt and contact your local Police Department ( Online Fraud Department ). Stealing is against the law you know I've noticed that alot of people are being ripped off by alot of designers, you need to pay in a method which results in some kind of proof of cash transaction, but a contract is probably the first step to big deals. I wouldn't advise anybody who is to eager to spend his/her money to purcase services online or you're going to be screwed & taken advantage of. My advice is to be more aware of the possibilities that you'll be ripped off, and prepare yourself for those possibilities in every way possible, don't be to quick to give up your cash, research the credibility of the guy before you give him money which was your mistake.

I am sorry to hear about it all, I hope you get your money back along with everybody else.
Old 08-16-2003, 07:38 AM
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Nothing agenst Corey but I have seen this play out before, I do re-call a few posts at vBt from members that had paid for work and not recived anything after months of waiting.

I personally think he has more work then he can handle, mabey he should to learn to not take on more projects when he has multiple clients lined up for work already. But it is hard to say no to someone willing to throw $1,000 or more at you, ill admit that.
Old 08-16-2003, 08:08 AM
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A thread like this is allowed, as long as the thread starter sticks to just the facts, without resorting to name-calling or opinions.

Also, it is preferable that the thread starter contacts the service provider in question so that he is given a chance to respond to this thread, as that is only fair.
Old 08-16-2003, 08:16 AM
N9ne N9ne is offline
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Today at 10:08 AM Erwin said this in Post #5
A thread like this is allowed, as long as the thread starter sticks to just the facts, without resorting to name-calling or opinions.

Also, it is preferable that the thread starter contacts the service provider in question so that he is given a chance to respond to this thread, as that is only fair.

There's been a thread like this here, WHT, vBT, Yaxay, nameless other places, and Corey fails to reply, but when he does he comes over as being nice and that gets customers walking straight back into his trap .
Old 08-16-2003, 09:31 AM
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yeah, ive seen this before, I run and work for a company who special in vb3 design at present.

weve had 1 customer not like our work and that was after 4 submissions of diff designs, he then wanted a refund, but due to him stringing us out for 3 months and us using 2 of our designers time, the refund was never given, due to the fact he pulled out late and we had made 4 designs.. so he was paying for the labour alone.

its not a good idea to mess your customers about, and ive seen at least 3+ threads now about ravio, christ i got mailed the other week after he screwed over a couple of guys, but due to my services being stretched i had to say no to them.

Personally i dont think hes takin on the number of customers he should be for 1 person.
Old 08-16-2003, 10:00 AM
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Today at 09:29 AM kamu said this in Post #3
I'd suggest preparing a contract next time you go and give a complete stranger hundreds of dollars over the internet. Also, if you payed via paypal, copy the receipt and contact your local Police Department ( Online Fraud Department ). Stealing is against the law you know I've noticed that alot of people are being ripped off by alot of designers, you need to pay in a method which results in some kind of proof of cash transaction, but a contract is probably the first step to big deals. I wouldn't advise anybody who is to eager to spend his/her money to purcase services online or you're going to be screwed & taken advantage of. My advice is to be more aware of the possibilities that you'll be ripped off, and prepare yourself for those possibilities in every way possible, don't be to quick to give up your cash, research the credibility of the guy before you give him money which was your mistake.

I am sorry to hear about it all, I hope you get your money back along with everybody else.

the same backwards allot of desinger got ripped of by customers, by letting them make a design and then not pay
Old 08-16-2003, 12:51 PM
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i read the threads over at, well various places, it's a shame, he was making good money, i hope he sorts it out, but tbh, i prefer xelations work myself so not a loss either way. he did reply on the WHT thread tho' so looks like things might be improving for his existing customers
Old 08-16-2003, 01:17 PM
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I've heard about this on several forums. It's sad to see all these people who have had delayed work and paid up front. I agree with AL, he took up too many projects and can't handle all of them.
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