Ladder Description:
Users or teams can also join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. Elo rating system is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.
Feature List:
Tournament Features
Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
Permissions can be set per usergroup
(AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
2 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing and Single Elimination
Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
Tournament User Stats Page
'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
Tournament options
Turn on/off tournament
Create Thread on Tournament Creation
Tournament Stats in Member Profile
Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
Comments per page
Tournament description length shown in tournament List
Tournament Display
LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
Tournament View Counter
Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
separate page for accepting/rejecting challenges and submitting score (have to be accepted by other user)
Tournament Announcements
Tournament Moderators can create/edit announcements
Uses forum last visit for announcement read marking
Shows last user to edit announcement
Share categories for tournaments/ ladders
Category displays in navbar when viewing ladder/ tournament
Follow instructions included in .zip
If you are using v3.6.x you will need to download this product file and import it
(It contains memberinfo css which is used in profile comments in v3.7.x and is in used in Tournaments Comments and Team Profiles)
Click Install
Future Features:
Add more Different Tournament Types (Double Elimination and Round Robin)
Allowing a player to only join one team per ladder
Use 3.7/3.8 notification system
My Teams page
Easy way to Re-arrange users in tournament
Limit number of challenges per week/day
Ladder match finder
Custom message included in challenge pm sent to user
If you want to donate please click 'Support Developer'
What exactly is this for though? I mean can we have a tournament set so it tries to boost activity around the forums? Something such as "Tournament for whoever can get the most meaningful posts within one month"? Something like that? If possible, That would be awesome...I just want to know a little about it before I install it.
I can tell you this is a great little mod. Im gutted because only 3 or so weeks ago, i paid $120 for some ladders and tounrmanetns scripts to run on a dedicated ladder site that isnt anywhere near as good or easy to use as this mod....dang it lol
Ive added this mod to my new site for testing and its really good. Will be great for holding friendly clan tournaments as well as having guests join ladders and tournaments too.
1. In previous versions you can see who joined the tournament, for some reason I can't see who has joined my tournaments.
2. Also how do you unsticky a tournament. It only has a delete option, now that it's finished. I don't want to delete it but I want to unsticky it so that when people look at the tournament list the one that needs to be filled is on top.
also looking forward to the invite option for teams, keep up the good work.
very nice add on but unfortunately "Create Tournament" not work i can fill in all information after clicking ADD i end on a white side the rest is working fine like Ladder ..
What exactly is this for though? I mean can we have a tournament set so it tries to boost activity around the forums? Something such as "Tournament for whoever can get the most meaningful posts within one month"? Something like that? If possible, That would be awesome...I just want to know a little about it before I install it.
Why not try and read the opening post to the mod, that would help a lot to find out.
When i view the ladder challenges page, its renders nicely under one template (dark one), but not under the green one. The text in the column headers dont wrap like in the dark one.
Anyone have a quick fix for this before I start to dissect my templates?
2.5.8 database error when I try to confirm someone's score (a draw, both with one point)
Your missing a column 'uod' which should have been created in version 2.5.2
Originally Posted by djlotus
Anyone have a quick fix for this before I start to dissect my templates?
It is to do with the css of thead, including nowrap
Originally Posted by Koidl
very nice add on but unfortunately "Create Tournament" not work i can fill in all information after clicking ADD i end on a white side the rest is working fine like Ladder ..
Originally Posted by Shop
1. In previous versions you can see who joined the tournament, for some reason I can't see who has joined my tournaments.
2. Also how do you unsticky a tournament. It only has a delete option, now that it's finished. I don't want to delete it but I want to unsticky it so that when people look at the tournament list the one that needs to be filled is on top.
also looking forward to the invite option for teams, keep up the good work.
i dont have templates to revert its a fresh installation i tryed this link to add a tournament over edit .. but i end in a blank screen again no chance to add a tournament here
Discovered an error when challenging someon on the ladder. If the use has a ">" or "<" in thier name, it returns and error saying the PM was not sent because user "xxxx" could not be found. For example, my username is "[>F<]djlotus", here is the error presented to someone who tries to challenge me on the ladder:
"You have successfully challenged this player. However, there was error(s) PM'ing your opponent.
The following users were not found:
I receive the challenge, and it displays on the challeges page, however the PM is not sent.
Would it be possible/good idea to add a system where if a user has too many challenges outstanding then anyone who tries to challenge them is told 'Joe Bloggs has already been challenged by x number of players and cannot accept any further challenges' where x could be an admin set figure. Top ranked players could find themselves deluged with challenges.