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Old 04-02-2006, 03:15 PM
geezzaa geezzaa is offline
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Since og went down my site has increased in members looking for a place to grow. Shame all that great info is lost.

Did you know that sites like min and overgrow are actually causing a large drop in drug related crime, Mainly because people are growing there own and advoiding having to deal with criminals.

90% of Ganja smokers do not have a criminal record and never go on to harder drugs. I know smokers that are in the police and use cannabis to relax after a hard day shovelling people up from under buses.

21% of Drinkers become alcoholics

i think under 18s Should not be allowed to view forums such as mine or overgrow, and that they should stick to the freebie tour on porn sites or those sites where someones having there head hacked off with a carving knife , maybe even some of the sites that tell them how to make pipe bombs and fireworks. We dont want our kids to be junkies do we ?
Old 04-03-2006, 12:05 AM
Ted S Ted S is offline
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Originally Posted by geezzaa
90% of Ganja smokers do not have a criminal record and never go on to harder drugs. I know smokers that are in the police and use cannabis to relax after a hard day shovelling people up from under buses.

21% of Drinkers become alcoholics
Can you please provide a citation for those statistics?
Old 04-03-2006, 12:39 PM
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If you use are software to discuss pot....your license will be revoked..
Given that vBulletion is the forum of choice for terrorist organizations, I would think talking about pot would be the least of sins discussed on vB forums worldwide.
Old 04-03-2006, 05:24 PM
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Good to see illegal practices shut down.
Old 04-03-2006, 06:05 PM
Edward S Edward S is offline
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Originally Posted by Paul M
He wasn't very bright then, fancy running an illegal site on servers in the same country .....
Ditto, ditto... Course, thats what smoking your own stash can do, "make ya stoopid". I don't smoke, and when I did experiment, I didn't inhale...
This probably all has to do with one country cooperating with another to get this kinda stuff off the internet. I wish they'd find that guy who's spamming me with Viagra and Penis enlargement emails and get him off the net.. Its only one person, but it would sure be a big help.

On a different note, the server seized.. was there "legitimate" websites on the server too?... Wierd if there was, would make you wanna know who you were signing up with as a host. Cause, yer legal but the other guy on the server wasn't.. but there goes yer stuff as well. Hard work, pictures, files, etc.. etc.. Not to mention maybe the fees you paid for a year's lease, or loss of income as your customer base (user lists) evaporate before your eyes, sales records?... gee.. a whole buncha stuff, gone up in.. uh, er.. smoke.

A simple thread like this, "server seized" can open a whole new can-o-worms.
I'm glad my host only allows pornograpy, everyone else?... :banana:
Old 04-09-2006, 04:41 AM
AdminNation AdminNation is offline
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Originally Posted by MPDev
Given that vBulletion is the forum of choice for terrorist organizations, I would think talking about pot would be the least of sins discussed on vB forums worldwide.
I'd be interested to here which ones, since the only ones I've come accross tend to use free software like YaBB, phpBB, and SMF.
Old 04-24-2006, 11:02 PM
shortbus1662 shortbus1662 is offline
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Originally Posted by filburt1
I support free speech. I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics. You could distort it to a view that discussing illegal activities is a form of conspiracy to commit the crimes in question.

Let's say I opened up a forum about homicide. That's a crime. Would your opinion change?
Then you do not support free speech.

If something is illegal, and it should not be, how can you change it if you can't talk about it?

What if it was illegal to discuss freedom for black people in America? What if it was illegal to discuss women having the right to vote?

Would you have been in favor of discussing those or not? Black people could not legally become citizens, they were PROPERTY. Women could not vote. You would have been against that because it was speech discussing a topic that was illegal?

I personally do not smoke marijuana but have done it before.

I wish it was legalized in the United States. We spend far too much fighting against it and it is virtually harmless compared to alchohol, pain pills, crack, crank, cocaine, heroin, lsd, pcp, etc. etc. etc.

The government could regulate it and profit from it while at the same time keeping tabs on who grows and sells it. It would ease prison overcrowding and allow the police to focus their efforts on drugs that are REALLY harming people.

I didn't make it past the post of yours that I'm replying to filburt but I definately see some flaws in your logic...
Old 04-24-2006, 11:07 PM
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If it were legal in the US then we would have that many more dope heads driving down the streets with the drunks...not a great idea imho (and yes, I smoked it for many, many years and know what it does and doesn't do to your motor skills and perception of reality...thankfully I had enough brain cells left to realize what a stupid habit it is and gave it up 10 years ago).
Old 04-24-2006, 11:27 PM
shortbus1662 shortbus1662 is offline
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I think the desire to drive is about a million times lower on weed and compared to alchohol, there really is no comparison.

I never got the urge to get high and drive around. I never got the urge to get high and get into a fight. I never got the urge to get high and do anything other than eat, watch TV, or talk about ridiculous stuff.

What does illegally driving while high on drugs have to do with whether or not a drug should be legalized?

Guns are legal, but people are shot with them.
Cars are legal, but people are ran over with them.
Knives are legal, but people are stabbed to death.

Clorox is legal, but you don't go serving drinks out of it.

There is no movement to make the use of chainsaws illegal because some people might use them to cut something other than trees with...

What might be done illegally with the substance should have little bearing on the legality of possession of a potentially useful substance.
Old 04-24-2006, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by filburt1
The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.
Moderator status here and a quarter will buy you a dime cup of coffee.
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