Version: 2.1, by Zero Tolerance
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 04-29-2005
Last Update: 05-26-2005
Installs: 142
DB Changes
No support by the author.
Hey all, heres a system i decided to make for a couple of reasons, mainly because i had some spare time and had nothing better to do, but also because it will benefit my forums and probably yours too.
So, what is Inferno Quiz?
Basically it's a quiz system, allowing administrators to add quiz's and questions, and for users to take part in them, in generic anyway, but the full feature list is provided below.
Note: Support will only be given if you voted Inferno Quiz Hack Of The Month .... just kidding, but you know you wanna
Forum Features
View All Open Quiz's - Name/End Date/Take Quiz/View Stats
Confirmation Take Quiz Page (Also displays information on quiz time limit (if any)
Take Quiz Page - Shows all answer type formats + timer in window status bar (if time limit activated)
View stats shows all users who have participated in the quiz and an average score.
View user stats for a quiz, showing what a user answered for each question, and their overall score (user must have already taken part to view)
After taking part in a quiz, the results are PM'ed to you automatically giving all the details, scores and overall score.
Admin Features
Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz
Quiz Name
Quiz State (Open/Closed)
Usergroups Which Can Participate In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
Usergroups Which Can View User Results In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
Auto Close Quiz Option (Yes/No)
Quiz End Date (Only applies if auto close is set to Yes) [Day/Month/Year]
Quiz Time Limit (Specify a number of minutes a user has to complete the quiz - or 0 to disable the time limit)
Allow users who have finished the quiz to view the correct answers (Yes/No)
Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz Question
Select which quiz the question is for
Input Question
Answer Format Type
Single-Line Text Box
Answer (none-case sensitive)
Single-Selection Radio Buttons
Input all selectable answers
Answer (none-case sensitive)
Multiple-Selection Checkbox
Input all selectable answers
Input all correct answers
New Design ACP Confirmation Page
System Message
Available Actions (Shows several links to make administration faster for the quiz)
Installation Features
Fast easy installation
Includes uninstaller
Adds templates automatically to ALL styles
Only 2 file edits and 1 template edit required!
v1.1 Updates:
To upgrade, download the file again and follow the upgrade instructions provided
FireFox compatability for usergroup permissions in add/edit quiz
Score % rounded to full number (ie: 13.3333% becomes 13%)
v2.1 Update:
- " to " fixed
- ' Chokes add question in submit quiz fixed
- Quote's in allow submission resulted in DB error fixed
- Templates now only added to "master" styles (styles without parents) to stop duplication of un-required templates
Now for the previews, what everyone likes to see..
I don't see any status for making the usergroup selections in the admin section tick boxes rather than the current left > right system. Is this not going to happen ?
@ mtha - It will be done, sorry i won't download your version or use it, nothing against you at all, it's just i prefer to do things solo.
So i'll enable BB Code for the question input, and add start time and end time for the results so that it shows time taken
@ Paul M - Well, i kinda spent a time creating the engine to output that visual look of usergroup controlling, a lot of systems use checkbox's, and i like things to be different, and on a plus side, for forums with a 'lot' of usergroups, the page won't be super long.
But, in order to improve control elements, i have added 'Add All' and 'Remove All' buttons so that you can click one button to allow/disallow all usergroups, which should ease up a few things
Sadly that doesn't really help me. Most of our quizes will need about 50% of our usergroups enabled. I'll have to look at hacking it so that some groups are pre-selected.
sure, I just put there as reference. as long as it's functioning./
I already have the fields `r_start_time` and `r_end_time` as INT( 10 ), so hopefully it wouldnt be to hard to convert to your new system.
looking forward to seeing the new version coming out
Well unfortunatly my host is down, and since i'm fed up with my host, i am moving, which does mean there will be an added few days delay on this release unfortunatly.
Well unfortunatly my host is down, and since i'm fed up with my host, i am moving, which does mean there will be an added few days delay on this release unfortunatly.
- Zero Tolerance
hope your server will be back soon
some more suggestions:
- option that admin can add someone to the quiz (quiz moderator), and he can receive the quiz result PM too (option to turn on/off PM).
- available for admin so that he can send PM to all users who take a quiz, about the final result, or any additional information, or thankyou email when the quiz end.
- option that admin can add someone to the quiz (quiz moderator), and he can receive the quiz result PM too (option to turn on/off PM).
- available for admin so that he can send PM to all users who take a quiz, about the final result, or any additional information, or thankyou email when the quiz end.
Server is up for now, i think i'll leave those for a future release though