This hack allows you to display your forum statistics in an image,whichyou can use as your signature in most forums (like mine).
If you have any trouble, please post here or in my forum for a good response. Please Click INSTALL, otherwise if an important fix becomes available, you will not be notified.
Now with truetype font support and line breaks. Fixed online userscode(was resetting 'most users online'). New easy support for GD2 andbelow.
Attached pixel font for use in your signatures, must be in all capitals, at size 6 to work appropriately.
New! Attached signature colourgenerator application. Useful to work out the colour scheme of yoursignature. Displays the RGB code for picked colour, and also allows forHEX to RGB conversion.
I think the reasons for the latest errors seems to be that only the latest versions of PHP will support the imagettftext() function. I have version 4.3.4.
// ######################### CHANGE FONT BELOW ############################
// Uncomment LINE1+LINE12 and comment LINE2+LINE22 to use default font.
// Replace "verdana.ttf" with the URL to your .ttf font
//imagestring($img, $fontsize, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $output, $text_color); //LINE1
imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $text_color, "verdana.ttf", $output); //LINE2
header("Content-Type: image/png");
imagejpeg($img, "$ausgabedatei",$komprimierung); //Write jpg to folder and set compression
imagedestroy($img); // get the image out of memory
my code looks all messed up is this right? can you give me the last part correctly...
// ######################### CHANGE FONT BELOW ############################
// Uncomment LINE1+LINE12 and comment LINE2+LINE22 to use default font.
// Replace "verdana.ttf" with the URL to your .ttf font
//imagestring($img, $fontsize, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $output, $text_color); //LINE1
imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $text_color, "verdana.ttf", $output); //LINE2
header("Content-Type: image/png");
imagejpeg($img, "$ausgabedatei",$komprimierung); //Write jpg to folder and set compression
imagedestroy($img); // get the image out of memory
my code looks all messed up is this right? can you give me the last part correctly...
That's fine, thats how mine is...
Try changing that part to this:
// ######################### CHANGE FONT BELOW ############################
// Uncomment LINE1+LINE12 and comment LINE2+LINE22 to use default font.
// Replace "verdana.ttf" with the URL to your .ttf font
imagestring($img, $fontsize, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $output, $text_color); //LINE1
//imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $left, (($i * $zeilenabstand) - $zeilenabstand + $top), $text_color, "verdana.ttf", $output); //LINE2
header("Content-Type: image/png");
imagejpeg($img, "$ausgabedatei",$komprimierung); //Write jpg to folder and set compression
imagedestroy($img); // get the image out of memory