This modification will enable the sending of an email to the email address specified in 'AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation' when a users clicks on the Activation link in the registration email.
...and import the 'product-th_moderate_user_email_1-2.xml' file.
Once installed, new options will be available within AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options allowing you to enable this setting. It will only send the email if the following settings are set to Yes:
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Moderate New Members
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration
If EITHER of the above settings are set to No, the email will not be sent.
Go to:
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products
...and select 'Uninstall' from the dropdown next to the Product.
The email text uses a new Email Subject Text and Email Body Text Phrase (moderatenewuser). These can be translated within the Phrase Manager into your own language if this is not English.
Note: Although not tested in previous version, given that the code has not changed, it's likely that this will work in previous version including 3.8.x however if there are any issues with previous versions, they will not be supported. If the code changes within the vBulletin core, this product will only be updated for that version onwards.
1.3 Changed variable names in email body text to account for users ending browser sessions then completing activation.
1.2 Added separate field to allow notifications to be sent to a different address. Removed product dependency.
1.1 Corrected Email Body Text phrase to use AdminCP directory from config.php rather than hard-coded value
1.0 Initial release
Thanks to BirdOfPrey5, Lynne and Paul M for putting me right on some rank stupidity with this...
I've just setup the same settings as your attachment on 2 different sites and all still email me when a user activates their account. Have you enabled email logging on your install:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging
If not, try that and see if the emails are written to the logs Ok.
One Emailadress = OK, two Emailadresses = fails...
Thu, 06 Aug 2015 12:34:40 +0200
Subject: Ein neu registrierter Benutzer warten auf Freischaltung
From: "Forum" <>
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
Der Benutzer Test11 wartet auf Freischaltung!
Username: Test11