... I am not going to speak with you any more, you seem hell bent on making personal attacks, which i have no time for. You wanna talk technical I'm all ears, you wanna talk personal than no dice.
Are you really that bored and lonely that you need to pick fights and argue online. Get off the PC mate.
Hmm, I see you're all too busy bickering amongst yourselves to answer my question...I'll look elsewhere.
Yeah... You can find here some "fights", but as I see after your post there was no Dave posts, so could it be possible that he just wasn't on computer?...
Ah I see now, so you're the expert. Is that your reasoning to why I am wrong? What's is it like to work in the plex alongsite Matt Cutts? Oh, that's right, you dont and thus are as clueless as the rest of us. All you have like the rest of us is an educated guess.
I said that is how Google behaves on my site, nothing more nothing less. I also said I got the url issue wrong, you cant buy non english domains so I assumed urls were no different. It's a simple mistake.
But here we go again, if YOU get personal with someone how else can they take it. If I start picking holes in your attitude than I'm sure you would take it personally, it's human nature.
I am not going to speak with you any more, you seem hell bent on making personal attacks, which i have no time for. You wanna talk technical I'm all ears, you wanna talk personal than no dice.
Are you really that bored and lonely that you need to pick fights and argue online. Get off the PC mate.
All I do is point out that users can set Google indexing priorities with Sitemaps and you go balistic.
You are the person here is picks fights Dave. Everyone knows it. You are famous for it. This thread is full of your your anger and rage at anyone you disagree with.
In fact, look at how negative you are posting above because I point out a technical error you made.
The only person you do not beat up is NLP-er, LOL. When he and I say the same thing, you verbally assault me. LOL.
Ah I see now, so you're the expert. Is that your reasoning to why I am wrong? What's is it like to work in the plex alongsite Matt Cutts? Oh, that's right, you dont and thus are as clueless as the rest of us. All you have like the rest of us is an educated guess.
No Dave. You are the one guessing.
I work with Sitemaps all the time and know that Google does follow the Sitemap parameters (and so do the good folks at vBSEO).
Also, I know that URLs are not only in English, as you said earlier, and NLP-er corrected.
You simply shoot from the hip, toss out opinions, and get angry when you are wrong. Better to stop shooting from the hip and learn to work with others.
copy, store, archive, republish or create a database of Google Results, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, except that you may: (1) store Google Results in a temporary cache for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days solely for the purpose of using Google Results to carry out a specific user-requested action; and/or (2) display Google Results that have been "clipped" through a user-requested action, provided that you comply with the attribution requirements described in Section 2.3 below;
I fear that this is going to get my site banned...
A popular wordpress version based of the same idea here http://www.nothing2hide.net/wp-plugi...slator-plugin/ has been out over 3 years and is on loads of sites. Not heard of a ban ever and the authors site ranks pretty well. But if you are concerned than all i would suggest is stop using the mod. Thanks.
how to make it when show translate page , will show all links with the same hl= languge so this will continue translate any page untill the use preffer to use default page