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Customizable Roster
Version: 1.2.1, by Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2017 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Profile Enhancements - Version: 3.7.x Rating:
Released: 05-24-2008 Last Update: 06-10-2008 Installs: 141
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
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Customizable Roster


This Mod is ideal for a Guild/Clan roster, but it is also a great replacement for the memberlist. Customize it any way you like: add or remove columns with just a few easy edits. The installer includes permission control that allows you to set which groups appear on the roster and which ones can view it. See the optional.txt file included in the installation for additional changes that you can make at your discretion. The most popular option is the ability to add sorting; check it out!


Step 0: If you are upgrading from a previous version, save a copy of your old showroster.php and rename your showroster templates (I recommend giving them an underscore prefix; Example: _SHOWROSTER).

Step 1: Download the attached showrosterXXX.zip file.

Step 2: Upload the files to their correct directories.
Upload the showroster.php to the /forum/ directory.
Upload the bitfield_showroster.xml to the /forum/includes/xml/ directory.
Upload the spacer.gif to the /forum/images directory if you plan to use avatars.
Step 3: Admincp > Plugin & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product
Import the product-showroster.xml file.
Step 4: Admincp > Languages & Phrases > Phrase Manager > Phrase Type: ShowRoster > showroster_title --> Edit
Change this to whatever you want as the title of your roster.
Step 5: Admincp > User Profile Fields > Add New/Update User Profile Field
Add all the Profile Fields you plan to use and keep track of their number(s) (i.e. field6, field7, etc.).
Step 6: Admincp > Styles & Templates > Expand > ShowRoster Templates > showroster_header
This template contains the headers for each of your columns. Add/Edit/Remove columns to your preference. Be sure to update both of the colspan variables to the number of columns you have.
Step 7: Admincp > Styles & Templates > Expand > ShowRoster Templates > showroster_userbits
This template gets the data from each of the fields you want to have viewed on your roster. Add/Edit/Remove columns and/or the nowrap="nowrap" to your preference. Be sure to update each of the field#'s to match the fields from Step 5.
Step 8: Admincp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Edit Usergroup
  • Set "Access - Should this usergroup have access to the Showroster page?" to Yes for whatever groups you want to have permissions to access the showroster page.
  • Set "Viewable - Should this usergroup be viewable on the Showroster page?" to Yes for the groups you want to have appear on the showroster page.

(All instructions are included in the instructions.txt and optional.txt files)


Version 1.2.0 - May 24, 2008
  • Release of this hack for vBulletin version 3.7.x.
  • This version works on all vBulletin versions from 3.6.0 and up.
  • This version works with vBadvanced CMPS version 3.0.1.

Version 1.2.1 - June 11, 2008
  • Updated code for XHTML validation.
  • Added a Date Joined column with code to support.
  • Added a Last Online column with code to support; also changes color.
  • Added a Birthday column with code to support; will be blank for users wishing to hide their birthday.
  • Added a ProfilePic column with code to support.

  • This version will no longer be supported or upgraded.

Click Here For A Preview


Support will no longer be given for anything below vB4.x.

Go to Customizable Roster 4.0 for the newer supported mod.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-13-2008, 04:13 PM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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Originally Posted by CodyMuir View Post
Anyways, for my clan ranks, i have custom titles for everything that is admin written.
I want each category to be based off their custom title, But, i want to be able to chose the order so Recruits are at the bottom etc.

Is this possible??

Because i included the usertitle in the postbit and it shows up, but i had a general category of..
"High Council"
And it showed, Me, Leader, Commander And Generals on it, but in random order.
Is there a way where i can sort that so it maybe goes by avatar id? or.. i don't even know.
But i want it to be organized. I made a ton of usergroups ex:
General and put people in them 1 by 1, which was very time consuming, thank god for mysql could easily copy / make new usergroups

Anyways, any suggestions? please
You can switch the sorting around any way you like. Check out my optional.txt file included in the zip package. There are various ways you can go to get it sorted, just experiment.
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Old 07-14-2008, 02:44 AM
IR15H IR15H is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarcoth View Post
Actually, I could set up an if statement that only shows the data for the particular guild/game they have placed in their profile field. But, since you can already assign which usergroups can view the roster, is it really neccesary to block one usergroup from viewing the other roster? IMO, if you are giving a usergroup permission to view one roster, you may as well give them permission to view them all. Otherwise, they may as well create another site for their guild.
I'm not entirely sure I've correctly understood what you're saying, but I'll just clarify what I mean anyhow;

Say you have two clans on your forum, Clan A, and Clan B. You want to give those clans access to different private forums, "Clan A's Forum" - viewable only to Clan A members, and "Clan B's Forum" - viewable only to Clan B members. You also want the leaders of each clan to have extra permissions, such as increased PMs, max upload sizes etc. In addition to this, each clan has a different "tag", or user name mark-up. To do this you set up four user groups, Clan A Leaders, Clan A Members, Clan B Leaders, Clan B Members.

Now, as far as I'm aware, the only way to achieve such a result is by using different user groups. If that is correct, then most multi-clan/guild forums will require, and already have, pre-defined user groups they want to appear on the roster(s), but they won't be utilised if permissions are done via a profile field. To get it to work via a profile field, an admin would also have to set up a profile field for the options of all clan/guilds and ranks and manually (if profile field is private) set all users to their correct clan/rank?

Like I said, I'm not sure that's what your suggesting, but if it is then that's my concern with profile fields.
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Old 07-14-2008, 03:04 PM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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Originally Posted by IR15H View Post
I'm not entirely sure I've correctly understood what you're saying, but I'll just clarify what I mean anyhow;

Say you have two clans on your forum, Clan A, and Clan B. You want to give those clans access to different private forums, "Clan A's Forum" - viewable only to Clan A members, and "Clan B's Forum" - viewable only to Clan B members. You also want the leaders of each clan to have extra permissions, such as increased PMs, max upload sizes etc. In addition to this, each clan has a different "tag", or user name mark-up. To do this you set up four user groups, Clan A Leaders, Clan A Members, Clan B Leaders, Clan B Members.

Now, as far as I'm aware, the only way to achieve such a result is by using different user groups. If that is correct, then most multi-clan/guild forums will require, and already have, pre-defined user groups they want to appear on the roster(s), but they won't be utilised if permissions are done via a profile field. To get it to work via a profile field, an admin would also have to set up a profile field for the options of all clan/guilds and ranks and manually (if profile field is private) set all users to their correct clan/rank?

Like I said, I'm not sure that's what your suggesting, but if it is then that's my concern with profile fields.
I agree. I was working on the code for a couple hours yesterday and it actually came out that just using usergroups was definitely an easier way to go. Why add a profile to distinguish the games/guilds when almost all sites will have it defined already via usergroups.

Although, I could still get it to work using profile fields though. Just looks like it would be more work and more coding.

Anyhow, I also noticed a problem with my lastonline color thing that I added in my last update. It isn't changing colors! I'm surprised you didn't tell me IRISH, since you were the one that original requested it. I know I had it working during my testing phase so somewhere between then and my release it stopped. I'm stuck on why it doesn't work now. I'm going to try and fix that before going on with my new plans.
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Old 07-14-2008, 07:50 PM
IR15H IR15H is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarcoth View Post
I agree. I was working on the code for a couple hours yesterday and it actually came out that just using usergroups was definitely an easier way to go. Why add a profile to distinguish the games/guilds when almost all sites will have it defined already via usergroups.

Although, I could still get it to work using profile fields though. Just looks like it would be more work and more coding.

Anyhow, I also noticed a problem with my lastonline color thing that I added in my last update. It isn't changing colors! I'm surprised you didn't tell me IRISH, since you were the one that original requested it. I know I had it working during my testing phase so somewhere between then and my release it stopped. I'm stuck on why it doesn't work now. I'm going to try and fix that before going on with my new plans.
Good news!

As for the on-line colour thing, I haven't updated since the first version as I recently downloaded the map maker for COD4, which is consuming quite a lot of my time :erm:. I was planning to wait for another update here before committing myself to those few seconds it takes to upgrade! You're efforts aren't in vain though, as I'll definitely use it when I update .
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Old 07-14-2008, 08:16 PM
CodyMuir CodyMuir is offline
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Heyy, Well, when i edited the way u told me, it gave me an error, but i got creative and named the ranks like.
a) Leader
b) ...
But now, i have 2 clan divisions going for 2 different games.
I want my starcraft ranks, to display ONLY starcraft members etc.

But, i have remade the roster to guildwars
edited the files, got the ranks to look like what i want it to etc, made roster_header1..
Everything is set up, but the only problem is, that it still displays the starcraft members on my guildwars tab.
Is there a way, where i can make it show ONLY certain udergroup ids. Like Leader, Member, Officer ONLY, no other ranks like all the sc ranks we have.
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:13 PM
Unshra Unshra is offline
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Is there anyway to have the roster sort by 'usergroupid' but have the 'title' displayed? When I follow the optional install for sorting by usergroupid it sorts correctly but the group titles are replaced by the groupid number on the roster or is there something I am doing wrong?
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:29 PM
Brian30fl Brian30fl is offline
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hmmm he must be busy no replys
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Old 08-05-2008, 07:42 PM
masonox masonox is offline
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Looks like a great mod, I run a multi gaming guild so I can't wait for these parts to be implemented. Keep up the great work! Glad to see something that is game related but not specifically WoW related.


Researching a way to move the permissions to the vBulletin Options area.
Researching a way to have multiple rosters from a single installation.
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Old 08-05-2008, 08:23 PM
Spank Spank is offline
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This might be just what I'm looking for. I'll fiddle with it during the week *tags*
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Old 08-05-2008, 11:15 PM
fitaholic fitaholic is offline
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I run a fitness site and would really love for this to show:

Fitaholic Trainers - (user group=admins)

Runners - (profile field=fieldX)
Cyclists - (profile field=fieldX)
Weight Lifters - (profile field=fieldX)
Swimmers - (profile field=fieldX)
Exerciser - (profile field=fieldX)

*So the (user group=member) would chose from a dropdown menu which activity defines them best and they would show up in the Member List under that title!

Can this be done and if so how...... THIS COULD BE and excellent MOD.
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