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QuoteIt! - Quote Database
Version: 3.17, by Cap'n Steve Cap'n Steve is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.6.0 Rating:
Released: 01-01-2007 Last Update: 04-30-2008 Installs: 207
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

QuoteIt! version 3.1

I'm no longer able to put very much time into this mod, so I've set up a Subversion repository at http://www.vbulletinprogramming.com/projects/quoteit/ to allow others to help out. You can use the login "vbuser" with the password "vbulletin" to edit files. If someone would like to completely take over the mod, please contact me.

QuoteIt! allows you to have a database of quotes integrated with your forum. Users submit quotes that can then be voted on by the other users, using your choice of two rating systems. The average installation will show a random quote on the forum home page, but you can include it on any vBulletin page or on your portal home page.

If you'd like to see a demo, go to forums.monkeycrap.com.


Random Quote
- a random quote can be shown on any vBulletin powered page
- the administrator can set a default rating threshold that quotes must meet before showing up as the random quote
- a new random quote can be chosen at a specific interval of time, to reduce server load

Quote Database
- quotes can be searched, filtered, and sorted by many different criteria
- quotes have a "context" field that can be turned on or off to include more information about the quote
- quotes can be embedded in posts with bbcode
- each post and private message now has a "Submit to Quotes" link that allows users to quote things said on your forum more easily

Quote Ratings System
- quotes can be rated either plus/minus or on a scale from 1 to 5
- quotes below a certain total score or average score can be filtered out

Quote Management
- quotes can either be automatically approved or moderated
- the quote moderation que is like the que for posts, enabling the moderation of several quotes at once
- usergroup permissions are used for adding, editing, deleting, rating and viewing quotes
- most actions use AJAX to avoid page reloads

Don't forget to click install!

Currently known problems are listed here.

The files needed to edit the included images are attached to this post.

This hack is based on QuoteIt! 1.2, originally by magnus. The "submit post" feature was inspired by an addon by CtrlAltDel.

Older versions (no longer in development): QuoteIt! 3 for vBulletin 3.5.x | QuoteIt! 2.03 for vBulletin 3.0.x

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 05-26-2008, 05:25 PM
gpc10347 gpc10347 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
The entries in the bbcode manager are just for show, the actual bbcodes are controlled with plugins. You're right about the FAQ; for some reason that's the only place the bbcode seems to work, which is very strange. I'll have to investigate more as soon as I get some free time.

Is it my imagination or is it working like a charm on 3.7 at MonkeyCrap.com?
(I'm lurking awaiting the say I can paste something into a signature and have a random quote pulled up..._
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Old 05-27-2008, 01:44 AM
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gpc10347 - Where are you seeing it work on my site? I still can't get it to work, so maybe it is your imagination.

Dr. Bantham -

First of all, have you tried the categories? That might be able to do what you want. If not:

WARNING: None of this has been tested, so don't try it on your live website.

I guess the simplest way to do this would be to to copy and rename quotes.php, admincp/quoteadmin.php, modcp/quotemod.php, and includes/functions_quoteit.php. Edit the new files and replace all mentions of any of those file names with the names you gave to the new copies.

Next, duplicate all the QuoteIt! database tables (quotes, quoteratings, guestquoteratings, and quotecategories) and rename them. Edit the files you created in the previous step and replace all references to the old tables with references to the renamed ones.

Your new quotes database would share settings, templates, and permissions with the "real" installation, and quotes in the new database won't be available for things like the bbcodes, but it should basically work.
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Old 05-30-2008, 12:01 AM
gpc10347 gpc10347 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
gpc10347 - Where are you seeing it work on my site? I still can't get it to work, so maybe it is your imagination.
Our father, which programmeth in vBulletin, helpeth out our brother Cap'n Steve and provideth him with time. Time to walk on water, time to part the sea, and perhaps even time to make QuoteIt work with 3.7.1. Lead me not into Michigan, for I art in Ohio and the SEC calleth me out in temptation of Big 10 issues... Let not his heart be troubled... perhaps even let the Wolverines score a few times this year despite them laughing at us during bowl games.
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Old 05-30-2008, 01:50 AM
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Are you still able to use the quote bbcodes on my site, though? Where at exactly?
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Old 05-30-2008, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
Well, ordinarily the option to enable quote bbcodes is under "QuoteIt! Options", although now that I try it on my site, vBulletin 3.7 seems to have broken something with the bbcodes. Can you get [quotes] or [randomquote] working anywhere on your site?
I am running QuoteIt on vBulletin 3.7 with not evident issues. QUOTE and RANDOMQUOTE bbCode references seem to be working well. I have not, however, upgraded QuoteIt to the release of 5/1/08. I am running the version just prior to this.
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Old 05-30-2008, 03:45 AM
gpc10347 gpc10347 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post

Are you still able to use the quote bbcodes on my site, though? Where at exactly?
I apparently lied - maybe I was drunk, however, I'm 17 pages into the thread again. Reinstalled again and again and mysteriously, I did get the bbcodes working in the threads (would love to turn on for signatures as well but can't seem to get that far..)

Dr. Bantham: Can you make [quotes] or [randomquote] work in signatures? Also, do you open and close the tag with any characters required between them ( [randomquote]stuff [/randomquote] )

*** No luck whatsoever with vbAdvanced CMPS regardless of what I do in it's admin area. I sure could use a hint or two more on this one....

Thanks for the hints here and there though - As of this morning, I have a forumhome template displaying a random quote, bbcodes work (sort of) inside thread messages. I can add, edit and delete quotes
(all together now) However ; )

I've found that a prior mod (the one used here at The Org) is interfering in the style selection: The White Quote symbol is coming from another hack and refers to .quote for it's style: See attached image please...

/* ***** open and close quotes images ***** */
.quote { 
    margin:15px 10px; 
    background: url(blak_ice/misc/q.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; 
blockquote.bq { 
    background: url(blak_ice/misc/q1.gif) no-repeat bottom right; 
    font: italic 10pt verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; 
    border-left:3px solid #ccc;  
    padding:0 5px}
Would there be a chance that the use of the word quote might be causing all the grief? (And what's a good remedy without giving up either?)

Whew... It must be 5 somewhere..
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Old 05-30-2008, 05:26 PM
gpc10347 gpc10347 is offline
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I know I know. Now, I'm talking to myself - however, all gowds chillun talk to themselves - them self... whatever.

I have the Bbcodes working. A little wierd with the oddball characters needed but I can deal with it. Still hoping for a means to place it in the signature... Anyone?

I also have random quote capabilities with vBad Vanced but turning it on, moves the calendar and essentially destroys the page layout. (Most like a TD isn't ended properly or a missing table tag...)

Looks fantastic on the forum pages though.. (whew)

What's the best file to begin editing to get the CMPS addition to behave in the center column?
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Old 06-01-2008, 12:03 AM
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The newest QuoteIt! version shouldn't make any difference, especially since the only changes were in quotes.php, which isn't even used for the bbcode.

I don't know how the bbcodes broke before, but if you've got them working in posts now, they should also work in signatures. Even if they don't work fully, there should be at least some output in the form of {R:$bunchofnumbers}. So is there anything happening with bbcode in signatures or do the tags just vanish?

The other mod might make things ugly (like with the two images shown in the screenshot), but they'd still work. To fix it, just rename .quote to something else in either mod and replace all of that mod's references to the quote class (look for class="quote in the templates) with references to the new name you gave it.

vBadvanced quotes just use the quote_randomquote template along with the additional CSS in clientscript/vbulletin_css/quoteit_vbadvanced.css.

Finally, what do you mean by "oddball characters"?
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:01 AM
gpc10347 gpc10347 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
The newest QuoteIt! version shouldn't make any difference, especially since the only changes were in quotes.php, which isn't even used for the bbcode.

I don't know how the bbcodes broke before, but if you've got them working in posts now, they should also work in signatures. Even if they don't work fully, there should be at least some output in the form of {R:$bunchofnumbers}. So is there anything happening with bbcode in signatures or do the tags just vanish?

The other mod might make things ugly (like with the two images shown in the screenshot), but they'd still work. To fix it, just rename .quote to something else in either mod and replace all of that mod's references to the quote class (look for class="quote in the templates) with references to the new name you gave it.

vBadvanced quotes just use the quote_randomquote template along with the additional CSS in clientscript/vbulletin_css/quoteit_vbadvanced.css.

Finally, what do you mean by "oddball characters"?

Got it.

The oddball characters are specifically the Magic Stuff between the randomquote tags that makes it work.

Previewing my signature might be what prevented me from seeing it. The { } encased numbers are what I see previewed but if I save and view a post - it's there!

Still having issues with it breaking the tables on vbAdvanced but - I'm 95% where I hoped I'd be...

Thanks much!
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Old 06-01-2008, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by gpc10347 View Post
The oddball characters are specifically the Magic Stuff between the randomquote tags that makes it work.
I'm almost afraid to ask, but what exactly did you put between the tags? That shouldn't affect anything.

Originally Posted by gpc10347 View Post
Previewing my signature might be what prevented me from seeing it. The { } encased numbers are what I see previewed but if I save and view a post - it's there!
There must be a hook for previewing signatures that I missed. If you're feeling adventurous, you could look at the other "Finalize BBCode" plugins and try to copy that code to a plugin at whatever hook is called when previewing.

Originally Posted by gpc10347 View Post
Still having issues with it breaking the tables on vbAdvanced but - I'm 95% where I hoped I'd be...
I don't think it's a missing end tag, but running it through http://validator.w3.org/ might help you pinpoint the problem.
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