[high]Copyright:[/high] You may use this modification at your own risk. I cannot and will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to your forums during installation or thereafter. You may not distribute this modification in whole or parts and anyone found doing so faces risk of prosecution. All my modifications are released at vBulletin.org and anyone found releasing them elsewhere also faces risk of prosecution. You may not translate this modification without my prior permission.
[high]Donations:[/high] I release my modifications for free. If you wish to donate please contact me and I will give you my details. All donations are graciously appreciated.
What does this modification do?
This modification will allow you to automatically have more search engine friendly URLs in your vBulletin. A forum which would normally display as forumdisplay?f=1 will now appear as f1-forumtitle.html and the same with threads. Having keywords in your URL can be of an advantage in search-engine ranking.
You must have mod_rewrite apache module enabled on your server. Contact your host for more information.
This will not work well for non-english boards as it strips most non-alpha numeric characters. E.g. ? would be stripped on french boards etc
Please read the readme.txt file included in the zip for details on how to install this modification.
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If you installed this modifcation please click the install button. It'll help you keep up to date with future releases and important bugfixes, security updates.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
If you would let me help you with the testing, I would really appreciate it. I have only www.DNLodge.com to put it on.
Here are some suggestions..
I've looked at the last 20 pages of posts in this thread. I saw you said that the rewriting of the last post is un-nessasary. But I think it is, mainly because of the SEO reasons.
The main problem i have using your mod right now is that google is indexing 2 pages for every one page i have in the forum. It is indexing the rewritten thread and the unrewritten thread. This is mainly because your mod isnt rewriting my similar threads and the last post column.
And BTW, I modified your code to make the forums view as dnlodge.com/forum-12.html . So I didnt lose the PR from my old rewrite script on phpbb after I upgraded. But is this making me not be able to rewrite the simialar threads?
ps. If you need anything, like help, just give me a PM. I'm a master php and mysql coder, and could help in the thread since its become so popular. Let me know.. aim: daredevilbp or msn: neomania60@hotmail.com or PM or email: yourhostnow@gmail.com
Ok guys, what i'm going to do is because we have two sets of testers here, is set up a temporary forum for people who want to beta-test the latest version.
Oh that was for your site, not the mod, but its working now.
And it would be really cool if we could choose out own rewrites. Because I would prefer forum-xx.html instead PR was on that. I managed to convert it to that in the old mod, but this one is alot more complex, and I will probably mess something up. So I guess i'll have to let myself get reindexed by google. But thanks