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Webpage & Guestbook Script
Version: 1.04, by Swedie Swedie is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2018 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 10-26-2004 Last Update: 11-13-2005 Installs: 171
DB Changes Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files  
No support by the author.

Webpage and Guestbook for vBulletin 3.0.x

This script installs a Webpage and a Guestbook on your users profile page.

Upcoming fixes:
* Adding leads to user's guestbooks via post icons.
* More? Send me suggestions by posting in this thread.

LATEST VERSION NEW FEATURES v1.0.4 - November 14th, 2005 (Re-released)
* Now comes with an easy to use installer that does all the database entries.
* Also includes an uninstaller (works even though you don't have version 1.0.4 installed)
* Includes upgrade from v1.03 to v1.04 (previous versions are left unsupported)
* Corrected some Javascript errors with the Editor.
* Optimized code (less rows)
* Smilie icon show when enabled in HTML mode
* Quick Edit works better and also updates Webpage name and Description.
- Added Cancel button
- Only show Quick Edit box when editing
* BUG for large Guestbooks fixed. (Altering of table)

* Webpage editing is now improved and stable (had javascript error before)
(only need to update template modify_webpage and file profile.php with new code)

* Admin edit ability
* Improved code
* Using more of CSS from vBulletin rather than through a control file
* FIXED: Removal / Editing of posts (includes a FIX file that you need to run ONCE)
* FIXED: Avatar now show when file based system is used.


* Added ability to edit or remove his/her guestbook entry within the default vB's timeout setting
* Lots more Usergroup settings (that actually work )
* Colors etc are changed from one configuration file (didn't add to vBulletin admin area because it was just too much for one settings page...)
* PM or Email Notification option, or none (Default option is set by Admin)
* HTML or vBcode when creating webpage content (not both)
* HTML is limited to Admin set HTML tags in the Administration area
* Language controlled through vB's Language system
* Option to display users Avatars (controllable FORCED sizing)
* Smilies option (On or Off)

Usergroup settings added
* Can have Webpage
* Can have Guestbook
* Can view Guestbook
* Can view Webpage
* Can post in Guestbook


If you are not used to changing script code. Please let someone else do the job for you that know more 'scripting'.

This script requires modification to your database.

I take no responsibily as to what happens to your website after you install this script.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy my contribution!

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-28-2005, 03:43 PM
Vizionz Vizionz is offline
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unless he meant java applets
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Old 01-28-2005, 11:43 PM
T3MEDIA T3MEDIA is offline
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Originally Posted by magyosha
some feedback fro mone of the users on my site

Could you list what tags and extensions are available (switched on that is) for webpage creation?

Layers work but the parameters don't convert right (not a problem really but they should lol).

Java script seems to be off?

Can we load .swf etc?

Also. If people are to put 'content' (images etc.) on their page, then they would really need a place to store content so that thier page can reference it etc. Otherwise if people don't already have webspace to store material then the webpage feature will just be text only.

i'm a bit loath to enable all tags , would this create a home for hackers .. ? or what tags are safe ...

any way of allowing java ?

and can some way of uploading pictures/files(swf) or someting be enabled ? they are corect that unless they link off site thye are limited ot text
Man this is a awsome hack but im getting frustrated.
I CANT edit the dam guest book... ADMIN has No form of control of what users post Sweed is never on.

guys we are all vb users. can at least one of you guys help me out here? how can I get the dam guestbook enabled so I can acutally delte posts?
How can I make it so the ADMIN can delte bad webpages.

and I removed all my "allowed" tags. anyone has a list I can copy? be nice read what I just said and please help out. Please and thank you.
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Old 01-29-2005, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
Man this is a awsome hack but im getting frustrated.
I CANT edit the dam guest book... ADMIN has No form of control of what users post Sweed is never on.
Well he has provided this hack free of charge so we can't expect him to provide support 24/7. Hopefully he'll be back soon but in the meantime we'll have to find workarounds.

guys we are all vb users. can at least one of you guys help me out here? how can I get the dam guestbook enabled so I can acutally delte posts?
How can I make it so the ADMIN can delte bad webpages.
The edit/delete guestbook entries theoretically should work, but it's a mysterious bug. When I installed this hack on my 3.0.5 test forum, edit/delete was working, but it won't work on my live 3.0.6 forum :ermm: :disappointed: My workaround, I've restricted who has a guestbook/webpage by adding it as an item in the uShop hack. If the user is a 'bad' member, they'll be banned before earning enough points to purchase the guestbook/webpage. If you do need to edit a guestbook/webpage entry you could always edit the entry in the database (user_guestbook and user_webpage tables) although admitedly that's not an ideal solution. Unfortunately, I don't know enough to figure out what's wrong.

and I removed all my "allowed" tags. anyone has a list I can copy? be nice read what I just said and please help out. Please and thank you.
The default tags were:
HTML Code:
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Old 01-29-2005, 01:36 PM
T3MEDIA T3MEDIA is offline
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Originally Posted by Snow
The default tags were:
HTML Code:
Oh thank you. Thank you.

See my problem is I am getting hate guestbook posts on my members pages and they cant remove them. they can edit them but it goes back to the user. some people have pornish type webpages and I cant remove the photos.

there is... if you think about it. Zero admin control with this guestbook bug. it works sometimes... webpage you had no control from the start on editing...

I know he did it for free but everyone on here does it for free.

He seems like a good man but I guess I am upset from the heat I get from usrs.
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Old 01-31-2005, 11:20 PM
Jecht Jecht is offline
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I'm just curious, I don't know if this exact question has been brought up yet but

FILE: includes/init.php
$_BITFIELD['usergroup']['genericpermissions'] = array(
BUT before ); just after the last value, insert the following:
'canhaveguestbook' => xxxxxxx,
'canhavewebpage' => xxxxxxx,
'canviewwebpage' => xxxxxxx,
'canviewguestbook' => xxxxxxx,
'canpostguestbook' => xxxxxxx,
CHANGE OUT "xxxxxxx" to the double value of the value just before.

I am just curious, what should I replace the xxxxxxx with for a vBulletin 3.0.6 board? I was at first tempted to just put in the code givin below that

EXAMPLE FOR vB3.0.3: (if you have this version, copy and use below)
'canhaveguestbook' => 16777216,
'canhavewebpage' => 33554432,
'canviewwebpage' => 67108864,
'canviewguestbook' => 134217728,
'canpostguestbook' => 268435456,

but I don't want it causing problems, which I know for a fact most likely willl happen. If someone can just give me a heads up with this, I'm basically done the editing, I just want to make sure I don't mess up at this stage of the game.

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Old 01-31-2005, 11:52 PM
Lizard King Lizard King is offline
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You have to check the last line before 'canhaveguestbook' => xxxxxxxx, and double the numbers that is written over there
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Old 02-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Vizionz Vizionz is offline
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so anyone know why i wouldnt be able to actually see the webpage or guestbook. in the admin cp i set permissions for groups and set the options in bulletin settings and then went to my profile and tested it and nothing
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Old 02-01-2005, 01:38 PM
Jecht Jecht is offline
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Thanks very much for your help, lol I don't know how I overlooked something so simple such as that. Thanks again


I installed this hack and at first it was working. I managed to get the webpage feature to work, meaning the webpage was showing up in the users profile. I wanted to enable the Guestbook feature but everytime I tried to set the Webpage and Guestbook options to YES, it would save but reset after wards and randomly select yes and no for different options. After every attempt this is what I've been getting

Can have Guestbook? No
Can have Webpage? No
Can view Guestbook? No
Can view Webpage? No
Can post in Guestbook? No

The odd time the "Can have webpage" option is set to yes but nothing works. I did everything that was said in the installation README File, Phrases/Languages, as well as usergroup settings. I'm still going to play around with it and see if I can find the problem myself, but if anyone has a pointer, that might lead me in the right direction of fixing this, it would be much appreciated. Chances are it's something small and I've overlooked it countless times lol
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Old 02-03-2005, 02:33 PM
synn synn is offline
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Things were working fine for me...but I've noticed that my permissions keep changing for those who can view/post in the guestbook/webpages?

Any ideas what may be causing this to happen?
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Old 02-03-2005, 02:46 PM
T3MEDIA T3MEDIA is offline
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Originally Posted by Deviant++
any options to keep a check on what users uplaod yet ?
Man I have to take my webpage off. I got too many sex pages that I have no dam control over.

that is messed up. this is the best hack here.

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