but my experience says that something that has been kicked around this long will not get done for free as soon as I would like to see it.
Gentlemen, I made a post earlier stating I would like to see contributing members get credit via a rotating link during gameplay. Send me a PM stating the amount you would be willing to donate to the fund and the link you would like to have in the game and I will get the game built. I know I only have a small amount of posts here - if anybody worries about credibility, I can provide plenty. I'm the get-it-done guy, and I've been subscribed to this thread for long enough. Let's get it done.
I have a 5 player Java/Flash version coming some time this week. Poker 5/7 card/Black Jack. I'll try to get a demo up maybe tuesday next week, that should give me enough time to get the admin panel finished and also finish the scoring control. You can have multi tables and people can view the games going on, but they can not chat with the player, only players can chat with each other. The Java code will not be open source, but I will give the fla and php scripts to monitor the betting. You can not use this for real gambling, and it only can be used for vB boards because I wrote the session control into the Java Server! I figured that would be the only way that I could control access to it, so I know it is used only on vB forums!