Version: b2.08, by The Geek
Developer Last Online: Jan 2019
Version: 3.0.6
Released: 02-04-2005
Last Update: Never
Installs: 15
DB Changes
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
HowdA All.
The GAS3 system is a comprehensive article system that completely integrates into vB3.
Originally, I looked into other article systems to integrate with my forums but just got irritated over and over again as I found the other offering out there very limiting for my needs. I wanted to use my members usergroup permissions, the search facility (so when someone did a search for bob both articles AND threads appeared on one page), I also wanted wysiwyg editing and vBs attachment system. Well, I accomplished 99% of my needs with the Geek Article System 2.0
Why 3.0? While the 2.0 was fine for my needs, many users began asking for a far more complex system that took the beauty of 2.0 and added popular features in the other article systems.
Here are the features in a nutshell:
Integrates 100% into vB. No importing forums or creating special groups. Simply mark forum as an 'Article' forum and instantly all threads become articles. Dont like it anymore? Simply remove the ID and the therads and forums go back to normal.
Whatever you can do in a thread or post, you can do with the GAS3 system (uploading attachments, smiles, BBcode, various editors, yadayadayada)
Create multiple pages in your post by simply putting [BREAK] anywhere in your post.
The first thumbnail in an article substitutes the posters avatar (switchable via admincp)
Integrated article byline.
Article sidebar that shows the article rating, your rating, the rating form, article tools, and article attachments (all toggable via admincp)
Special thanks goes to rlamego and to peterska2 for private Beta testing this for me. Couldnt of happened without them!
Planned work:
I have integrated an attachment description modification, but so far I dont have an interface for the newattachment.php yet. I will do this as an add on (though the backend work is already in place)
Difficulty - Medium Time - about 15 minutes File modifications? a few
Click install. Especially as a beta, the package could get important updates that you need to be aware of. Also, as soon as it goes live, I may do the gold release outside of this thread as I dont want to bog down the gold release thread with any beta issues (if there are any). You will need to be aware of when that happens (so click install darnit!)
Download the package and unzip.
Follow the GAS3_README file to the letter!
There is an install script that does most of the work for you. There are several file edits that you will have to do yourself though.
When done, go into your admncp, open vBulletin settings, open Geek Articles 3 settings (in the big list where you turn your VB on and off).
No phrases after install? This happens a lot with many installers for some bizzare reason. All you have to do is do a phrase search for GAS_ , edit the phrase (dont change it), then save it. Bingo - all your phrases appear.
Settings not taking? Your settings need to be saved in your adminco in order to take effect.
For the love of Pete - this is a BETA hack. I would therefore backup your DB, your styles, and any of the files the README asks you to change.
Fixes typos in step 8.7 and 8.8 of the readme
Addresses article valigning to middle when text is less than the height of the sidebar.
The editpost thing should be fine (I have not made any changes there). The functions_geekarticles retrieves the article byline (round about line 127) and the changes in 3.6 will save it.
I have just updated the package to sort out the following:
Fixed the negative post# on comments appearing on article with only 1 page
Fixed bug where editing a comment showed byline edit
Fixed $GAS_comments_only_lastpage so that it works. Setting option to no gives you preview comments on all pages. Setting to yes gives you the comments only on last page.
To upgrade:
download package
replace functions_geekarticles.php with new one
Reinstall templates
Redo step 5.16 and 5.22 from the README as there were a couple of amends there
This squashes all known issues (unless someone comes up with any more).
Fixed $GAS_comments_only_lastpage so thatit works. Setting option to no gives you preview comments on all pages.Setting to yes gives you the comments only on last page.
So I am closing this thread. Everyone who has installed this as Beta... Big thanks. Make sure you go and install the new version as it fixes a couple of minor issues.