I do not agree. This site is privileged to have a community that contributes to it, it's not the other way around. Without the members, vb.org is useless.
Good argument, but without the owners to pay the hosting and think of the site, the members wouldn't be in the equation
Originally Posted by Boofo
Noted, for future hacks I won't be releasing here then.
You'll have to let us know where you do release them then or at least me
If I don't release them here, I won't release them anywhere as the same thing could happen wherever you release them. But, no biggie, there are plenty of others here that do a lot better than I do.
I do not agree. This site is privileged to have a community that contributes to it, it's not the other way around. Without the members, vb.org is useless.
totally agreed with this
however what Bobby said is simply what i wanna say ... thx Bob for translating my thoughts
Originally Posted by smacklan
Send their host a DMCA...it works sometimes
correct, just sometimes with huge difficulty ....
PS. pls Nexia post the url where you put you hacks
Law or not, it doesn't help us as authors if someone puts the hacks on another site and we can't afford to go after them. Especially is they got the hacks from here where we are supposed to be protected.
You are not "supposed to be protected" at all. Never has vb.org said that it will protect you from copyright theft elsewhere on the internet, that would be impossible to do. We cannot control what people do with mods they legally download from here. As a previous staff member you are quite well aware of this, so why moan about it now.
First of all, the "moan" remark was uncalled for. You as staff should know the difference between a discussion and someone moaning. If not, let me know and I will explain it to you. The point I was trying to make is that any copyrights laws that the org supposedly has are useless since the hacks can be downloaded and put up elsewhere.