This hack will allow you and your members to check for existing topics, or similar ones, of the thread you plan to create when at newthread.php. This should help to prevent double topics that often appear from newbish members who neglect to use the search feature. It uses the exact functions as the "similar threads" feature, therefore has the same accuracy.
My OpenSource (as in do with them what you want no need to ask for permission) Scripts: 7/25/04 ? Article Bot 1.1, vB3 Member Album 2.0, BB Code Functions, Advanced Search w/Member Conditions, Eggdrop IRC Manager, IRC Manager for mIRC, Existing Topics Check
02 Feb 2006: fixed to prevent Array bit from showing atop the popup display results page
29 Jan 2006: some JavaScript tweaks to get this to work for Turkish and other languages
28 Jan 2006: fixed duplicate JavaScript function name causing Manage Attachments issue
28 Jan 2006: initial release of port
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I felt the need to make some enhancements to this product. I hope they're of use for others. I upped the version number to 2.0.0 and made the following changes:
*CHANGE*: Cursor always displayed as pointer, as requested here and changed by Calorie here
*CHANGE*: Added 'align=middle' to 'Search similar topics' image
*CHANGE*: Explanation (for better attention) next to search icon as requested here and changed by Calorie here
*NEW*: Point users to the search function as the Similar Thread function is limited and doesn't always list the right threads. This hopefully prevents users posting the same topic again as they might think the topic hasn't be discussed yet (since it wasn't listed in the Similar Threads popup)
*NEW*: Clicking the search link (in the popup) will close the popup and automatically searches your forum with users' topic title.
Steps for upgrading:
Upload attached exclamation.gif to <your_forum_path>/images/misc/
In AdminCP choose Plugin System > Add/Import Product > Upload attached xml > Allow Overwrite: Yes > Click Import
Don't forget to translate your phrases again! (search for ft_ as variable name)
[*]*NEW*: Point users to the search function as the Similar Thread function is limited and doesn't always list the right threads. This hopefully prevents users posting the same topic again as they might think the topic hasn't be discussed yet (since it wasn't listed in the Similar Threads popup)[*]*NEW*: Clicking the search link (in the popup) will close the popup and automatically searches your forum with users' topic title.
Nice work djr
What about idea that we have search results listed in the first window? Same window, same table, but with right threads. Why to use Similar Threads function? It's very limited.
That doesn't make much sense, because a) the popup window would be huge if you have alot of search results or b) you limit the search results to 10 forcing the user to click alot. My modification offers you the best of both worlds, since it redirects to the search with the topic as search query, and it will search titles *and* content.
a) the popup window would be huge if you have alot of search results
No, it will not. It will be completely the same, just with vertical scroller.
Originally Posted by djr
or b) you limit the search results to 10 forcing the user to click alot. My modification offers you the best of both worlds, since it redirects to the search with the topic as search query, and it will search titles *and* content.